Hey all. Im back in Nottingham for the rest of the summer. I couldnt find a job in London, and no more money to go searching. At least at home I dont have to be constantly worried about finding food to eat, or if the gas and electric is going to be cut off. Everyone in the house has gone home to find work. Which is good. Im starting to wonder if I did the right thing, moving into a house with these guys. I mean I love them, and they are my friends but a couple of them are actually driving me crazy. Maybe I should have stayed in halls. I kinda wish I was living with Kaitlin, at least then I know i would still be partying it up. Im scared that when the semester starts everyone who moved over towards oakwood will be living it up and i will be stuck in ponders end with my flatmates who dont really drink much anymore and just like going to bed. Im contracted into this house for the next 11 months. Im fucked.
Nick was here the last few days. We went to Revolutions and got absolutely fucked. Like, to a ridiculous state. Went to Rock City, felt a little old compared to alot of the people there. We were so so drunk. It was fun. Nana came to stay today so Ive been kicked out of my room. Sleeping on my sisters floor I think. Sucks. On wednesday Im going down to london, daniel has a suprise for me, then im staying till sunday as saturday night is sarahs leaving party. Shes going to china for a year. Then Kaitlin is going to come up for a couple of days.
Had an amazing holiday in Minehead with the boys. Didnt do alot, went for a walk up what we thought was a nice hill and turned out to be a mountain. Thought I was going to die!!! And we walked across the rocks to the beach one day too. I havent uploaded my pics yet but here are some my friend Tom took.
Nick was here the last few days. We went to Revolutions and got absolutely fucked. Like, to a ridiculous state. Went to Rock City, felt a little old compared to alot of the people there. We were so so drunk. It was fun. Nana came to stay today so Ive been kicked out of my room. Sleeping on my sisters floor I think. Sucks. On wednesday Im going down to london, daniel has a suprise for me, then im staying till sunday as saturday night is sarahs leaving party. Shes going to china for a year. Then Kaitlin is going to come up for a couple of days.
Had an amazing holiday in Minehead with the boys. Didnt do alot, went for a walk up what we thought was a nice hill and turned out to be a mountain. Thought I was going to die!!! And we walked across the rocks to the beach one day too. I havent uploaded my pics yet but here are some my friend Tom took.

I love rainbow brite but i was totally obsessed with thundercats.
I love nightmare before christmas adn corpse bride. Tim burton is awesome.
Wicca always interests me but i can only ever find cheesy books about it, im interested in paganism in general but there are so many different branches of it not just wicca that i dont know where to start!
Sorry it took so long to reply, you commented in my testimonials instead of my blog, just saw it, lol!!!