I started writing a very interesting and witty blog a few days ago and it disappeared so this one will not be as fun. For one thing I made the most painful decision of my life on Monday and broke up with daniel. After almost four years together I am certainly suffering the pain of heartbreak. I thought our turbulent relationship was killing me but this is much much worse. I dont think we will be broken up for long, I just need to give him time to realise how much I mean to him. I love him more then anything in this stupid fucked up world but he has taken me for granted for far far too long. And after his wonderful comment last weekend I think I need to shake him up a bit. Seriously...what kind of guy says to his longterm girlfriend "If you were skinny I would love you again". Jesus. I was just starting not to hate my body as well, I was finally getting used to the fact that I'm a big girl. Fucker.
Apart from all that bullshit I have had an entertaining few weeks. Xmas was good, I was given a most wonderful digital camera from my parents so expect much cam whore-age to follow. Daniel and Kaitlin came to Nottingham with me for the festive period and we had a great time. We went to the Rock City Xmas party and danced the night away.
On the 29th it was my gay friend Daniel's birthday so we went to the only gay club in our vicinity...Pink Punters. It was a really fun night, Nick and I had a dance off that made people stop and watch lol. I threw in some old classics like the typewriter and of course, the bake a cake. Nick has jazzed up his reverse JCB remarkably haha.
The next day I traveled into London from Aylesbury to pick up my friend Caz, from Glasgow. We returned to daniels house and got rather intoxicated on illegal Absinthe and Jaegermister....hmm jaeger.....
Next day was NYE, went to Mark's house and had a fantastic evening including Nick falling over a fence twice, mud walking, discussing the merits of double orrafice fisting in Titanic and dance offs.
Spent the next week in a drunken haze, I know at some point I lost a game of strip arsehole, there are pictures of me in nothing but a sock. Not a pretty sight. I took Nick and Caz on my southbank pub crawl/sightseeing adventure. Then had to go back to uni and lock myself in my room for 3 days writing all my coursework...my diet of diet kick and custard doughnuts was legendary lol.
I went to camden shopping the other day with Kez and Charlie, and I was supposed to be working the Killswitch Engage show but it was cancelled so instead we went to meet the boys in the Ice Wharf on camden lock. We ended up staying there till 11, we all got ID'D except...funnily enough...for Charlie. WHO IS 13. We all got hammered, even charlie lol and had the funniest train journey ever back to aylesbury. Trying to get a bunch of stuck up workers to sing "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" was my highlight, along with my friend pete trying out his new fave chat up line on some random guy who sat with us..."Hey baby...I gotta motorcycle and LOADSA MONEY!" Fantastic.
On Monday Kez and I went to the old college to meet our old teacher for lunch. It was so good seeing her again, she said if we get our child checks done we can teach modules of Media Studies. That would be cool. Then I went back to daniels and we ended up breaking up. I have never cried so hard in my life, and he never held me so tight. He was so close to crying, he said he loved me and didnt want to break up but he needs to think if he wants to be with me. After, Sarah came and drove me to Nottingham.
Yesterday we went into town so i could get some retail therapy. I ended up buying 4 bags and getting my lip pierced. It hurts a little now. Sarah left this morning, and then mum took me to ASDA to buy me a 4 hoody and ended up spending over 100 on clothes for me...Opps.
So now for all the pics.......
My parents at Xmas
Me and my mummy
Me Caz and Nick Drunk in bed
Sarah and I at the Big Gay Out
Me n MarkyMark
The birthday boy and his now Ex lover
Me looking scared
Mexican Daniel at NYE
Spencer and Tom
Gay Daniel and I
Caz and I
There's enough room for the both of you!
me looking like a gimp with charlie in camden
Loadsa money!
Come...jump on my invisible motorcycle!
No pics of lip piercing yet...may have to do that tomorrow. Now I am going to wallow in my pain and suffering whilst listening to McFly. I have NO idea why I am listening to this...Im on my sisters pc.
Apart from all that bullshit I have had an entertaining few weeks. Xmas was good, I was given a most wonderful digital camera from my parents so expect much cam whore-age to follow. Daniel and Kaitlin came to Nottingham with me for the festive period and we had a great time. We went to the Rock City Xmas party and danced the night away.
On the 29th it was my gay friend Daniel's birthday so we went to the only gay club in our vicinity...Pink Punters. It was a really fun night, Nick and I had a dance off that made people stop and watch lol. I threw in some old classics like the typewriter and of course, the bake a cake. Nick has jazzed up his reverse JCB remarkably haha.
The next day I traveled into London from Aylesbury to pick up my friend Caz, from Glasgow. We returned to daniels house and got rather intoxicated on illegal Absinthe and Jaegermister....hmm jaeger.....
Next day was NYE, went to Mark's house and had a fantastic evening including Nick falling over a fence twice, mud walking, discussing the merits of double orrafice fisting in Titanic and dance offs.
Spent the next week in a drunken haze, I know at some point I lost a game of strip arsehole, there are pictures of me in nothing but a sock. Not a pretty sight. I took Nick and Caz on my southbank pub crawl/sightseeing adventure. Then had to go back to uni and lock myself in my room for 3 days writing all my coursework...my diet of diet kick and custard doughnuts was legendary lol.
I went to camden shopping the other day with Kez and Charlie, and I was supposed to be working the Killswitch Engage show but it was cancelled so instead we went to meet the boys in the Ice Wharf on camden lock. We ended up staying there till 11, we all got ID'D except...funnily enough...for Charlie. WHO IS 13. We all got hammered, even charlie lol and had the funniest train journey ever back to aylesbury. Trying to get a bunch of stuck up workers to sing "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" was my highlight, along with my friend pete trying out his new fave chat up line on some random guy who sat with us..."Hey baby...I gotta motorcycle and LOADSA MONEY!" Fantastic.
On Monday Kez and I went to the old college to meet our old teacher for lunch. It was so good seeing her again, she said if we get our child checks done we can teach modules of Media Studies. That would be cool. Then I went back to daniels and we ended up breaking up. I have never cried so hard in my life, and he never held me so tight. He was so close to crying, he said he loved me and didnt want to break up but he needs to think if he wants to be with me. After, Sarah came and drove me to Nottingham.
Yesterday we went into town so i could get some retail therapy. I ended up buying 4 bags and getting my lip pierced. It hurts a little now. Sarah left this morning, and then mum took me to ASDA to buy me a 4 hoody and ended up spending over 100 on clothes for me...Opps.
So now for all the pics.......
My parents at Xmas

Me and my mummy

Me Caz and Nick Drunk in bed

Sarah and I at the Big Gay Out


Me n MarkyMark

The birthday boy and his now Ex lover

Me looking scared

Mexican Daniel at NYE

Spencer and Tom

Gay Daniel and I

Caz and I

There's enough room for the both of you!

me looking like a gimp with charlie in camden

Loadsa money!

Come...jump on my invisible motorcycle!

No pics of lip piercing yet...may have to do that tomorrow. Now I am going to wallow in my pain and suffering whilst listening to McFly. I have NO idea why I am listening to this...Im on my sisters pc.

Sorry to hear about the breakup but really listening to McFly?! xxx