I havent updated in so long it is ridiculus. Not that I can remember what has happened in the past month and a half!!! The end of my first semester is looming and I am so poor its unreal. Since the last post I have walked around Brixton dressed as a zombie (and a damned good one at that), whipped my friend at Torture Garden so hard she vomited, seen AFI (briliant), Dresden Dolls (amazing), My Chemical Romance (most fantastic thing on the PLANET), Rancid (punk as fuck) and Dirty Pretty Things (whoohoo) (again nearly all at Brixton), got a job flyering in return for gig tickets (suprise suprise....at Brixton...), passed a module, had alcohol poisoning, vomited blood, went to Nottingham, watched the Mortal Combat TV series, had visitors from Glasgow, Aberdeen, Newcastle, Aylesbury and Ireland, been to half time (shitty student night) even though I keep promising myself never again,made some amazing friends, met some fucktards, drank a cocktail of JD cider and wine, developed a taste for Rum!, dyed my hair more times then can be healthy, become an ametuer porn star, been to MK xmas shopping, been to Sin City,got a credit card, walked around SoHo more times then is healthy and made a variety of amusingly named desserts.
So all in all,had a lot of fun. I have lots of photos (still awaiting the zombie ones though) but will only upload a few as I dont want to bore the fuck out of you all.....
My best friend Shell and I
Shell and Kaitlin celebrating Thanksgiving
Tube fun
I look FAT in this pic
Brolly Fun!!
Underground shenanigans!
Going home for Xmas on the 20th, have asked Santa for a new camera so hopefully will have more pics up soon
So all in all,had a lot of fun. I have lots of photos (still awaiting the zombie ones though) but will only upload a few as I dont want to bore the fuck out of you all.....

My best friend Shell and I

Shell and Kaitlin celebrating Thanksgiving

Tube fun


I look FAT in this pic


Brolly Fun!!

Underground shenanigans!

Going home for Xmas on the 20th, have asked Santa for a new camera so hopefully will have more pics up soon

the new intrepid fox is right behind centre point, Its on St Giles Street at the end of Denmark Street (where the 12 bar is), really uber close to TCR tube station. oposite a church and the job centre, which are both inapropriate things to sit and look at when you're trying to drink your woes away