kiss kiss bang bang
i saw that film last night... cool one! i laugh a lot...
(connected with the previous entry)
and what about u cant say yes and u can say either no... what to reply then?... who knows? maybe? perhaps?undecided?
sometimes this is worst than say just yes or just no...
im still fucking broke... maybe wind changes for me... or maybe not... the only thing i can say: im still alive...and its enough by now...
dont forget to enjoy with the little things
sometimes its better dont think too much..."just do it" like the brand who said that... i hate the brand i love the slogan...
sometimes its better dont think too much..."just do it" like the brand who said that... i hate the brand i love the slogan...
i agree
si slo esperas a que cambie el viento, lo que suele pasar es que no cambia... y encima te llueve. Llevars un paraguas encima, no??