I always being lazy doing my homework, and i can imagine this is not gonna be my best work because my english is not great, but @rambo and @missy give u a #sghomework to talk about our pets, i have a really good reason to write my first long blog in ages, the reason is my baby, my cat Pussy , is not gonna be the happier blog, but i'm writhing this from my most sincere place on my heart.
I moved to Buenos Aires alone on 2004 and i was living far from my pets my family , my friendsand everything, and my first 3 years were not the best ones, i was having really hard moments, a bad relationship, bad problems with drugs and alcohol and a hard depression, i tried to kill myself a few times in that moment i didn't had any pet, for me pets are a big reason to be happy, i tried to adopt Ramona, my dog , but my place wasn't big enough for a dog, and i wasn't at home much so was a total mess, i was depressed for that too, for adopt her and being so selfish bitch, so my mum take her to my parents home as she could run and sleep in the sun, was great because she became friend with my baby dog Greta really soon, now we thought they are lesbian, ramona always tries to have sex with Greta but she always finish tired of try.
So... one day i come back to my birth town to visit an old girlfriend, she was an amazing artist and we were on the same class on the university, i knew that she was trying to be a tattoo artist and i offer to give my skin for her, i was a little bit in love yet . Finally i got a heart on my wrist, when i arrived she was full of baby cats, some horrible person take all of them on through them into a bag, they were about 7 and i was playing all the afternoon there, i never had a cat in my life till that day. so when i was close to leave she asked me if i want one, i say not, she insisted and pussy was climbing by my leg , i asked her, which one knows how to pee on the rocks she say all of them... Pussy was the black one and really quite horrible , but i decide to take her with me. I remember when my father see her for first time he said throw it up if it fly is a bat, haha poor baby she was ugly, and she was a really bad cat , she always biting me and scratched me on the first year, but i teach her with love and she became an adorable babe, she didn't like annoying people and she choose always the right ones, she was nice but distant with the strangers, but she mades everything with me , she follow me everywhere and i started to have a reason for being happy, she cured me and she became my best friend, she slept with me, she was at my side when i cooked, when i had a bath, when i sleep, she made everything with me, i move like 3 times and she was always with me around that 6 years, was a lovely story, but about 2 or 3 weeks ago i came back from my work and she didn't run to received me, it was strange , she always did it, that day i was really happy, i was participating as photographer in a big sell of art with other artist that i really admire, but i was worried all the afternoon, i looked for her everywhere and i couldn't find her , i was mad about it, i look for her in every single place where she used to hide, but she wasn't there, my boyfriend told me that he seen her at morning but not in the afternoon, by the time i should left my home to go to the sell i was crying as mad, i looked for her on the street. i live in a 4th floor and all the apartment had two floors so its something like and 8th floor, finally the doormen see me, and i run to him to asked if he knows anything, he answer - yes and then he gave me the bad news. she felt over from my balcony, she used to climb and went to other apartments , i had a massive balcony where she always slept in the sun, a run the birds. i remember when i moved here i was scare about this, but i couldn't let her inside all the time , and she hated to go out in the streets, i was talking that same morning how to take her to London in such a long journey next year when i will move there.
it was one of the saddest days on my life , i was at bed for almost a week , crying all day long, but my friends and my boy take care of me , and they give me love, and i understood that shit happens , and life always finish on death, and as my friend told me - "that cat was loved as mad, and she had the best life in a cat life"
Life continues and i will adopt a baby, but next year when we finally moved to London
Now im planing to visit my baby dogs Greta and Ramona
Now im planing to visit my baby dogs Greta and Ramona
Thanks for all of you who send me messages and love when Pussy went to the kittens heaven ^.^
All my love
x x
Me sentí identificada y creo que voy a llorar :( También tengo una gatita negra y creo que eso me conmueve mas. Pero dicen que los gatitos escogen su dueño y que cuando parten, es porque su misión ya ha terminado. Tu bebe te ayudo, te sano y se fue al cielo de los gatitos <3
Gracias a todos , y a ti @lexus bella, si eso me han dicho, no dejo de extrañarla ya pasó un mes y aun me agarran ataques de llanto pero al menos veo esos aspectos positivos ^.^ <3