well, today was an odd day. i went to the doctor's for my check up and he informed me that I needed to go to the hospital and get some chest xrays :/ That was 4 hours of fun... waiting... waiting.... waiting... blah... it was a very tiring day. In the end it turns out that I have bronchitis and I need to take another 2 days off to rest...So i'll be back to school on thursday. I bet everyone thinks I've just fallen off the face of the planet.
the worse thing about it all is that I havent had the energy to do any homework... SO much catching up to do
the worse thing about it all is that I havent had the energy to do any homework... SO much catching up to do

im glad it wasnt anything too serious. sorry it was such a pain in the ass being about the hospital and hte xrays and all.
hope you feel better.