Here I lie in bed. Sick and feeling as if I'm getting the flu. I've dosed up on natural flu tablets and codeine and getting ready to have a nap while it all kicks in. I wouldnt normally mind getting sick (especially since I'm on holidays) but i should be cleaning and packing boxes. Tomorrow I have a driving lesson and come Thursday I'll be working at the Royal Melbourne Show for 11 days straight then I'll be heading back to class for a hectic 4 weeks of final classes followed by 2 weeks full time placement at a hospital and then 10 days after that i'll be moving interstate. Arg. Couldnt have come at a worse time.
But I suppose that's what you get for smoking like a train and drinking like a fish from 5:30pm friday to 4:30am saturday. Ah well, I guess it was worth it. Ended up hooking up with an old high school friend that I hadnt seen for about 6 years. had a fabulous time and cant wait to get back to Adelaide to hang out with her again.
Well, I think it;s about time i put down the ibook, turned off the tv and have a nap. I have some dishes to wash and some chicken soup to make later.
Oh, and today is our 6th anneversary. I'm sick in bed and he has to work late tonight. joy.
But I suppose that's what you get for smoking like a train and drinking like a fish from 5:30pm friday to 4:30am saturday. Ah well, I guess it was worth it. Ended up hooking up with an old high school friend that I hadnt seen for about 6 years. had a fabulous time and cant wait to get back to Adelaide to hang out with her again.
Well, I think it;s about time i put down the ibook, turned off the tv and have a nap. I have some dishes to wash and some chicken soup to make later.
Oh, and today is our 6th anneversary. I'm sick in bed and he has to work late tonight. joy.