Man I'm a slacker.. nothing exciting going on here, found out I get to do a photo shoot this July with a friend of mine. Can't wait for that, I get to design the shoot too, THRILLED isn't even close to how I feel.. YAY! That and Michelle is hot and I love her to bits so I can do anything I want... oh the...
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Had a bit of fun with my camera today, added new pixs to my Me folder.. go see

Very nice!
Did you take them yourself?

Did you take them yourself?
Yup all by myself

I just added pixs of my beautiful baby girl Luna

Wow it's a crappy day out today. Where'd the sun run off ot? The dog hasn't even woken up today, it's that damn drab and gross out. This can only mean that 1)it's going to rain and 2) Luna will not be going out to pee/poop today so she's going to work.. Yes, I have a prissy wolfdog, she hates getting wet.. That's my baby...
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The sun has made a very rare appearance over here. Thats going to balls up the weather map. I can usually locate where I am from by the huge grey cloud at the bottom of Scotland.
What breed of dog have you got?
What breed of dog have you got?
Luna is a wolfdog, She's Yukon timber and Alaskan Malamute, big, black, scary looking, I loves her.
I'm about to kill my camera.. just so we're all celar on that..

Welcome to SG 

But see I ALWAYS remove the "do not remove" tag.. I'm such a rebel! Still waiting for the pillow police to come get me for taking the couch pillow label off... ohhhh.. scary..

I've managed to get my ass up here.. hot damn!

Left shoulder is a wolf head with a crescet moon behind it for my name, Littlewolf, right shoulder is a cat head with a full moon behind it, for my sign Leo, the ankh down the back of my neck/spine is for ever lasting life. I also have to wolves on my left wrist
A little about me. I design clothing, I work in a kennel. I'm about as pale as pale can be. I'm old *lol* a total music freak and I live to dye my hair odd shades.. I love tattoos and body piercings, uh.. Cheesey Horror movise are my Vice in life.. and I live with a wolfdog named Luna..
Mystery solved?
Oh, I want to be a Suicide Girl when I grow up..
Mystery solved?
Oh, I want to be a Suicide Girl when I grow up..
So hows liife been treating you? Good I hope?