I treated myself to a new camera, as a new battery for my old one would have cost more than it was worth. So chuffed, now I just need something/someone pretty to capture
My Valentines date just called our romantic dinner off - she wants to see someone else instead
Being on my way to another country I knew that we would probably not get that far relationsship wise, but I've made it clear from the start where I was going, so I was a bit surprised to find out that I had been lied to the other... Read More
New York is off again I was so looking forward to it, but then life showed its ugly side. Although the trip is the least of my worries, I'm happy that cancellation of both flight and hotel was still possible so we can take the trip whenever circumstances permit it again.
One must never loose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel,... Read More
Who turned the heating off? It's freezing outside, and now there's even a blizzard. The engine of my mates car froze solid this morning...
And they speak of global warming - bring it on, I say ;-)
Thank you sooo much for the kind words you left on my new set 2009. I am glad you liked it! I hope your New Year is filled with all kinds of great memories to come!!!!
Soapy Kisses
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