📏 Height/Estatura: 1,5o cm
⏳ Age/Edad: 19
👀 Eye color/Color de ojos: Café/Brown.
♒️ Sign/Signo: Capricornio/Capricorn.
💁 Hair color/Color de cabello: El color real es café oscuro, teñido rosa/Real hair color is dark brown, is currently dyed pink.
🎲 Favorite thing/Cosa favorita: Dinero/Money.
🎨 Favorite color/Color favorito: Negro y rosa/Black and pink.
🍝 Food/Comida: Pozole y mariscos/Pozole and seafood.
⏰ Favorite time of day/Hora favorita del día: 11:00 pm
🌙 Day or night?/¿Día o noche?: Noche/Night.
📅 Favorite holiday/Celebración favorita: Ninguna/None.
☺ Emoji favorite/Tu emoji favorito: *n*
🎮 Favorite game/Videojuego favorito: Dead By Daylight, Hearthstone, The Sims.
⏩ Hobby/Pasatiempo: Instagram
🚫 Vice/Vicio: Ninguno/None.
🌍 Country/País: México.
👅 Language/Idioma : Español y entiendo un poco de ingles/Spanish and some english.
👤 Socialize or being alone?/¿Eres sociable o solitaria?: Solitaria/Being alone.
🎸 Favorite band/Banda favorita: Guns n fucking Roses, Lebanon Hanover, Burzum and My chemical Romance.
🎤 Favorite singer/Cantante favorito: Axl Rose.
🎼 A song/Una canción: Eyes on fire - Blue Foundation.
💃🏻 Stay at home or hang out/¿Prefieres estar en casa o fuera?: Estar en casa/Stay at home.
📺 Favorite series/Series favoritas: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, That '70s Show and The Walking Dead.
🙊 Favorite subject/Materia favorita: Álgebra.
🙏 Religion: Ninguna/None.
Gracias @onihimecat por mandarme esta dinámica, me divertí mucho respondiendola.