Ive been verbally warned
On June 7th you closed a check to a room charge when the guest did not have room charge privileges or method of payment other than cash. The guests meal was $126.30 with tip included and while recover attempts will be made, proper room charge procedure was not followed. In the future, you need to make sure that firstly, you double check the name and room number before dropping the check, and secondly, that the guest has available credit. Failure to do so in the future may jeopardize your position on the team and we would have not choice but to separate your position.
Its so difficult to work at a job that gives threatening verbal warningson paperI laugh.
Go ahead.
Separate me.
Separate me from a place where the cooks can drop a quesadilla on the floor, plate it up and serve it with absolutely no shame, a place where if a guests leftovers were accidentally disposed of in the garbage, the manager suggests picking it out of the garbage because, she says, It MIGHT be for the cat.
Ok, I care. I need this jobI do. But its really hard to fathom at times.
My life as of late has been pretty fucking exciting. My publishers had a wonderful double page write up in the LA Weekly, and they began the story with my wordsthenthis is really fucking random, but I was in Trader Joes the other day with Shok and I spot Henry Rollins, whose writing I very much admire. I ask Shok if I should say hi. Im pretty sensitive about approaching public figures, in publicShok says that I should. He says, youre a writer, hes a writer So I approach Henry and apologize for doing so. He says, No problem. I tell him that I love his writing and that I write and that I have a book coming out and I hand him a postcard. He looks as it (hand still on the door to the milk & juice selection) and he looks up at me and says, I was just talking to your people in NY at the book expo.he then proceeds to tell me about my book. Yes, this is true, Henry Rollins is standing in front of me telling ME about MY project. Talk about fucking surreal. So we speak for quite some time about books, cutting, Process & Feral House. He tells me that Adam Parfrey is well-connected and well-respected in the publishing world. I know this. I tell him that Im in great hands and I feel honored to be published by Process. He went on to say that he had asked the girl who was telling him about Go Ask Ogre .He told me that he asked her for a copy of my book and the girl (whose name I do not know) just gave him a post cardI told him that I would send him one.
Shok joined us then spoke to him and wellheres his take of what happened (see below)
As Henry walked away I told him that I would send the book for sure and he said, Make sure you sign it for me
Giggle. I dig Henry. I think hes a brilliant writer. Hes pretty hot too
So my life is a vast spectrum where at one end I serve people for a livingget in trouble for eating a piece of toasted sourdough bread and get WRITTEN verbal warnings and the other when I chat up an artist that I admire and tell him about my work but he already knows about it. Ik week het neit. Yo no say
Tomorrow is my birthday.
ps. Im teetering on my desk chair. One of the wheels broke offwhat a bother
Things I know:
No one cares as much as you do.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Shok
Date: Jun 6, 2005 10:10 PM
Jolene and I were getting food for dinner at Trader Joes when we spotted Henry Rollins (Black Flag, et all). Jolene and Henry spoke for about ten mins or so and then I joined them after getting some food. Jolene is an author as is Henry and they know each other from her pending releases of Go Ask Ogre which has been getting all sorts of press including this week's LA Weekly which you can read here. So we spoke about life and what not for a while and the prospects of doing music... When he and I spoke of City Gardens, he brought to my attention that JOHN STEWART used to be the bartender there!!! That is why he always looked familiar all of these years!!! I never knew!!!
Dinner is shaping up to be awesome with mushroom risotto, some fine chilean merlot, a potato/ vegetable medley, goat and smoked gouda cheeses on two styles of crackers, etc....... dessert is coconut sorbet with chocolate sunflower seeds.
On June 7th you closed a check to a room charge when the guest did not have room charge privileges or method of payment other than cash. The guests meal was $126.30 with tip included and while recover attempts will be made, proper room charge procedure was not followed. In the future, you need to make sure that firstly, you double check the name and room number before dropping the check, and secondly, that the guest has available credit. Failure to do so in the future may jeopardize your position on the team and we would have not choice but to separate your position.
Its so difficult to work at a job that gives threatening verbal warningson paperI laugh.
Go ahead.
Separate me.
Separate me from a place where the cooks can drop a quesadilla on the floor, plate it up and serve it with absolutely no shame, a place where if a guests leftovers were accidentally disposed of in the garbage, the manager suggests picking it out of the garbage because, she says, It MIGHT be for the cat.
Ok, I care. I need this jobI do. But its really hard to fathom at times.
My life as of late has been pretty fucking exciting. My publishers had a wonderful double page write up in the LA Weekly, and they began the story with my wordsthenthis is really fucking random, but I was in Trader Joes the other day with Shok and I spot Henry Rollins, whose writing I very much admire. I ask Shok if I should say hi. Im pretty sensitive about approaching public figures, in publicShok says that I should. He says, youre a writer, hes a writer So I approach Henry and apologize for doing so. He says, No problem. I tell him that I love his writing and that I write and that I have a book coming out and I hand him a postcard. He looks as it (hand still on the door to the milk & juice selection) and he looks up at me and says, I was just talking to your people in NY at the book expo.he then proceeds to tell me about my book. Yes, this is true, Henry Rollins is standing in front of me telling ME about MY project. Talk about fucking surreal. So we speak for quite some time about books, cutting, Process & Feral House. He tells me that Adam Parfrey is well-connected and well-respected in the publishing world. I know this. I tell him that Im in great hands and I feel honored to be published by Process. He went on to say that he had asked the girl who was telling him about Go Ask Ogre .He told me that he asked her for a copy of my book and the girl (whose name I do not know) just gave him a post cardI told him that I would send him one.
Shok joined us then spoke to him and wellheres his take of what happened (see below)
As Henry walked away I told him that I would send the book for sure and he said, Make sure you sign it for me
Giggle. I dig Henry. I think hes a brilliant writer. Hes pretty hot too
So my life is a vast spectrum where at one end I serve people for a livingget in trouble for eating a piece of toasted sourdough bread and get WRITTEN verbal warnings and the other when I chat up an artist that I admire and tell him about my work but he already knows about it. Ik week het neit. Yo no say
Tomorrow is my birthday.
ps. Im teetering on my desk chair. One of the wheels broke offwhat a bother
Things I know:
No one cares as much as you do.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Shok
Date: Jun 6, 2005 10:10 PM
Jolene and I were getting food for dinner at Trader Joes when we spotted Henry Rollins (Black Flag, et all). Jolene and Henry spoke for about ten mins or so and then I joined them after getting some food. Jolene is an author as is Henry and they know each other from her pending releases of Go Ask Ogre which has been getting all sorts of press including this week's LA Weekly which you can read here. So we spoke about life and what not for a while and the prospects of doing music... When he and I spoke of City Gardens, he brought to my attention that JOHN STEWART used to be the bartender there!!! That is why he always looked familiar all of these years!!! I never knew!!!
Dinner is shaping up to be awesome with mushroom risotto, some fine chilean merlot, a potato/ vegetable medley, goat and smoked gouda cheeses on two styles of crackers, etc....... dessert is coconut sorbet with chocolate sunflower seeds.
*The Parfrey partnership is great to hear. I interviewed him back around '97/98 (it was about the time after he settled back in LA after Portland). From what I recalled, he provided me with some good laughs. Can't wait to read your book!