This is really important. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Should, for example, Scott Peterson pay for 2 deaths with his life?
Now, I will be honest. I have mixed feelings on this topic. I wont go into detail but
Last night at Bobs I asked what he thought and he said that hes given the topic
very much consideration and he is definitely opposed to the death penalty. I asked if
someone he loved were to be would he feel? He said that if I were killed that he would write my killer a letter of forgiveness. Hmmmmnow. I cant say how I feel for sure. I see his point, I do. I saw Dead Man Walking. I read The Exocutioners Song. How do you feel?
I gotta go. I have a movie & a nice glass of wine waiting
This is really important. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Should, for example, Scott Peterson pay for 2 deaths with his life?
Now, I will be honest. I have mixed feelings on this topic. I wont go into detail but
Last night at Bobs I asked what he thought and he said that hes given the topic
very much consideration and he is definitely opposed to the death penalty. I asked if
someone he loved were to be would he feel? He said that if I were killed that he would write my killer a letter of forgiveness. Hmmmmnow. I cant say how I feel for sure. I see his point, I do. I saw Dead Man Walking. I read The Exocutioners Song. How do you feel?
I gotta go. I have a movie & a nice glass of wine waiting
More important things to discuss. Cookies. You. Me. Sassy. When do I see the 2 cutest redheads I know in one sitting? ALWAYS my favorite night.
Bands playing Monday AND Tues.....wanna come with on Tues to the House of Blues holiday party? and then a show? Lemme know hot stuff.