Finish the sentence
I have a new...
1. boyfriend
2. job
3. haircut
I just fell in love with...
1. A song called Souled Out!!!
2. cloche hats
3. flowers
This week I plan to...
1. clean and organize my closet and bathroom
2. get a pedicure
3. be the best accountant I can be
I have a new...
1. boyfriend
2. job
3. haircut
I just fell in love with...
1. A song called Souled Out!!!
2. cloche hats
3. flowers
This week I plan to...
1. clean and organize my closet and bathroom
2. get a pedicure
3. be the best accountant I can be
I have a new...
1. Check in the bank
2. Bill
I just fell in love with...
1. The frisbee
2. Regained appreciation for the beauty that is night time
This week I plan to...
1. Keep my phone turned on
2. Answer my phone
Enjoy the new boy.