So after a week of detox, I decided it might be okay to have a few drinks. A few turned into like 7 glasses of wine, several shots, 2 vodka/redbulls, a stoli strawberry/redbulls, and 1 beer. It's offical: I am not drinking ever again. This morning I woke up and stumbled into the living room where my "sister" asked how my hangover which I replied Hangover? I'm still drunk. HA
*Also in my last entry I mentioned that I realized that high school girls are sluts....I have nothing against sluts at was just something I realized to which I had no previous knowledge of before.
I am homesick. I can't wait until I'm back on the island.
So, I think I may have hooked myself with a really cool job which will be available when I return home. I am not going to say what kind of job it is or whom it is for (because I am really excited about it and don't want to jinx it---I'm like 90% sure the job is mine). Some of you might remember that I mentioned this a few months ago when I went to the interview. Same job.
So wish me lots of luck.
<-----that's how I feel today.
*Also in my last entry I mentioned that I realized that high school girls are sluts....I have nothing against sluts at was just something I realized to which I had no previous knowledge of before.
I am homesick. I can't wait until I'm back on the island.
So, I think I may have hooked myself with a really cool job which will be available when I return home. I am not going to say what kind of job it is or whom it is for (because I am really excited about it and don't want to jinx it---I'm like 90% sure the job is mine). Some of you might remember that I mentioned this a few months ago when I went to the interview. Same job.
So wish me lots of luck.

Get yoru ass back here by next weekend for my drunken b-day tomfoolery, wench!!

Yay! I hope you get the job. You really deserve it. I'll be cheering you on!