I probably got a job today. Its part time but still 27 hours. And I have another interview on Thursday for another part time job doing MAKEUP!!! My favorite thing in the world!!
In fact, here is my makeup today:
Wish me luck!!
In fact, here is my makeup today:
Wish me luck!!
and that make up looks great. I wish i was really good at doing make up but I think I suck at it. Probably cause I dont ever wear it but maybe 10 times a year if that!
so we missed the peep show, 'cause I was having some serious female issues. we actually had a party to go to for my tattoo artist's grand opening of his second shop that we also missed because of it. so lame. but I think we should arrange something sometime where the four of us can hang out, so I can meet your fiancee and you can meet my Brian
Does your dude like Comet? Brian digs the place so if your guy is down we could all eat some awesome food there or something.
btw, pretty makeup!