The job hunt still continues...I'm so over qualified for these jobs that I'm putting in apps for that I can't believe I havn't found one yet.
I just want to put it all behind's the last piece of my puzzle to fill. Waiting sucks!
I'm sick...I was fine all day yesterday until about 4 and then it just hit me. I had to stop at the store on the way home to get three things and I ended up only getting two because I had to puke so bad I didn't think I would make it out. I spent the whole night barely moving on the couch..sipping broth. What the fuck?? I still feel like shit today.

I'm sick...I was fine all day yesterday until about 4 and then it just hit me. I had to stop at the store on the way home to get three things and I ended up only getting two because I had to puke so bad I didn't think I would make it out. I spent the whole night barely moving on the couch..sipping broth. What the fuck?? I still feel like shit today.

Are u trying agencies for your job hunt? they work for me.