Sitting alone I wonder if I can still feel anything
but fear and sadness. Is it normal to only be happy
when you're sad?
Finding meaning and lessons to be learned in
all those fucked up situations that life is constantly
throwing at me is the only calming part of my day
as of yet.
I have been remembering times with someone that I
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but fear and sadness. Is it normal to only be happy
when you're sad?
Finding meaning and lessons to be learned in
all those fucked up situations that life is constantly
throwing at me is the only calming part of my day
as of yet.
I have been remembering times with someone that I
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Soooo...I got the job at Hot Topic as assistant manager and I'm so fucking excited I could scream!!!!! I'm finally going to be back in the mall selling all the shit that I love...I'm not even going to lose pay...they are keeping me at the same rate I'm at now.
Well, the nice guy didn't work out....We had almost nothing in common you know? He...
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Well, the nice guy didn't work out....We had almost nothing in common you know? He...
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I like that store alot...always has cool shit in it

I like that store alot...always has cool shit in it

Congratulations on the job! That's great. You gonna give me a discount
Sorry to hear things didn't work out with "nice guy." I'm sure you'll find someone not so nice. lol.

So...finished my first mod at school and I can finally relax a little and just concentrate on the job thing....still havn't been hired any where. What the fuck! I have this weird feeling that I'm being black balled by the fat son of a bitch from the hotel. Oh well, I have two more interviews this week so maybe one of them will turn out....
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Heehee.....good luck with the new guy
Sometimes us "normal guys" can surprise you a bit

Sometimes us "normal guys" can surprise you a bit

Falled in love for your pisc
Sorry for my poor english

Hmmmm...things are looking up I guess. I had another interview yesterday..this time at a hotel. I would love to go back to doing that kind of work again...Hopefully hey? Otherwise I'm so fucking busy these days that I barely have time for myself...I NEED A BREAK! All I want to do is sleep in one day...and have nothing to do. Just sit on my ass...
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Yeah, I could use a few of those sit on my ass days too...
Hopefully your interview went well!

Hopefully your interview went well!
Good luck!
But dont work to hard now....

But dont work to hard now....

Wow!! A new fucking year...What hell will this one hold? I left for a while because I pretty much didn't fucking care about anything...just trying to survive and move on. I made the mistake of feeling empathy for someone and telling them the truth about something they begged me to know. I lost someone I loved over it...but I guess it's for the best. It...
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Yeah, I know that feeling.
I had the exact same one when I was with my friends watching the ball drop. A large group of us, some with Girlfriends, some not, but everyone was having a good time because they all had hope for whatever reason. For some of them it was a girl they were talking to at the bar and were hoping things would go their way. For others it was because they had a crush on someone and that was their goal. My problem was that I had no crush and no longing to talk to anyone (of the few) people there that night. I was also without direction.
So, I guess a good goal for this year is to find a goal to get a direction.
[/end my ranting]
Hopefully, you feel better soon.
I had the exact same one when I was with my friends watching the ball drop. A large group of us, some with Girlfriends, some not, but everyone was having a good time because they all had hope for whatever reason. For some of them it was a girl they were talking to at the bar and were hoping things would go their way. For others it was because they had a crush on someone and that was their goal. My problem was that I had no crush and no longing to talk to anyone (of the few) people there that night. I was also without direction.
So, I guess a good goal for this year is to find a goal to get a direction.
[/end my ranting]

Hopefully, you feel better soon.
hey, Happy New Year. It is a new year and a new begining. Hey, I was a "C" student and if I can find my way I'm sure you can too.
Stay strong!
Stay strong! much has happened in the last week it's just fucking crazy. My boss...the president of the company I work for actually gave me hints today on talking to managers and interviewing. They were things I already knew for the most part except for a few minor details. Then..he said.."now take the rest of the day off and go to the mall and talk to...
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Wow, Sweet!
That is pretty nice of him. Hopefully it will land you a job finally. I know this has been bugging you for a while...
That is pretty nice of him. Hopefully it will land you a job finally. I know this has been bugging you for a while...

its good that u have a boss that cares, not many focus on the human element.
Glad that u enjoy your job.
Glad that u enjoy your job.
The job hunt still continues...I'm so over qualified for these jobs that I'm putting in apps for that I can't believe I havn't found one yet.
I just want to put it all behind's the last piece of my puzzle to fill. Waiting sucks!
I'm sick...I was fine all day yesterday until about 4 and then it just hit me. I had to stop...
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I'm sick...I was fine all day yesterday until about 4 and then it just hit me. I had to stop...
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you're sick
hope u feel better soon luv. being sick is sooo lame...
Are u trying agencies for your job hunt? they work for me.

Are u trying agencies for your job hunt? they work for me.

that sucks, hope you feel better.
Still feeling very blah.
I'm excited about school starting. It will give me something to think about all the time rather than the shit that's on my mind right now. I wish sometimes that I just......lay down in the middle of a field (maybe a gangly looking tree in the horizon) and smoke myself into an oblivion...just watch the clouds all day long.
That would...
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Thank you for your comment
But for the record....I would have guessed that you would have your choice of any guy you wanted
Good luck at school cutie. Dont forget to update once you start

Good luck at school cutie. Dont forget to update once you start

the new pics are the ink! nice color. good luck with school.

Soooo...the guy still has not made a decision on who he's going to hire at Zumiez. Think it's time to start looking elsewhere. Good news though....I will be starting massage therapy school soon and I'm psyched! Now I just need to find a job that makes me happy to get through school haha.
On a different note I find myself finally letting go of someone...
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On a different note I find myself finally letting go of someone...
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hey, looking around & came across your journal, of course wandered over to pics...
wow u are hot, sexy & your tats, esp your back peice.
Atleast u realised what was happening & u are letting go, i'm sure its not easy. Some of us never make it that far, very strong of you.

Atleast u realised what was happening & u are letting go, i'm sure its not easy. Some of us never make it that far, very strong of you.
thanks for adding me

I'm very of my friends is pretty angry at me I think for something dumb I did... I tried to apologize but he hasn't replied to my e mail yet and it has really stressed me out all day. I hate making people upset. Especially right now when all I want is for things to be constant and normal in my life again... All...
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Yeah, I work in a cube with one wall that is all glass that lets everyone walking through the atrium to watch me all day. Basically I work in a fishbowl. So grats on the new job!
Awww...what happened cutie?
I hope everything works out with your friend.
Good luck on the job too

I hope everything works out with your friend.
Good luck on the job too

As for me, I quit.
But, Happy Valentines Day