oh my. i'm so so sorry to you all. i've been gone so long that some of my dears have unfriended me. which i guess i deserve. i had a lot of final papers so i was fucking BUSY and then i went home. here at home, the only computer with internet is this slow as shit, virus ridden, piece of crap that has dial...
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So... what's new? Surely you're not still writing those papers?
You still around?
oh my lovelies i'm sorry i've been dead
ok so we think peanut is pregnant, YAY.
i have a LOT of schoolwork due, BOO.
i will be done in one and a half weeks, YAYYAY.
hopefully you all still love me...????
it's 5 am my time, i feel sick. booo.
ok. i love you all. and will be stalking you all shortly.
and by "you...
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ok so we think peanut is pregnant, YAY.
i have a LOT of schoolwork due, BOO.
i will be done in one and a half weeks, YAYYAY.
hopefully you all still love me...????
it's 5 am my time, i feel sick. booo.
ok. i love you all. and will be stalking you all shortly.
and by "you...
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LittleMitten, I'm new and I saw it is your birthday. I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
jeesum little mitten - feel the luv - come say hi.
Happy-not-yer-birthday anymore
Happy-not-yer-birthday anymore

quick update before breakfast: i found my camera!! celebratory pictures soon.
take a picture of me!
I need to get a decent digicam... my pics folder is so empty it's untrue!
sanzio said:
"My last girl friend was on birth control. I just didn't talk to her for a week during "that" time. No phone calls to her, no returning her calls, locking my door and turning the lights out when I saw her car roll up. Having me friends tell her I skipped town to join some freeky cult or something.
And that usually worked...
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"My last girl friend was on birth control. I just didn't talk to her for a week during "that" time. No phone calls to her, no returning her calls, locking my door and turning the lights out when I saw her car roll up. Having me friends tell her I skipped town to join some freeky cult or something.
And that usually worked...
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cha cha cha chia!
Why don't the newscasters cry when they read about people who die
At least they could be decent enough to put just a tear in their eyes
Mama said
It's just make believe
You cant believe everything you see
So baby close your eyes to the lullabies
On the news tonight
-sorry i was just reminising......be good mitten
Why don't the newscasters cry when they read about people who die
At least they could be decent enough to put just a tear in their eyes
Mama said
It's just make believe
You cant believe everything you see
So baby close your eyes to the lullabies
On the news tonight
-sorry i was just reminising......be good mitten
I hope so too.
I cant beleive you still have what I said up
I cant beleive you still have what I said up

alrighty rootie.
so i am working on my philosophy paper, taking a little break. it's supposed to be 3-4 pages, so that means i'm making it full 4 pages, and maybe i'll have to make the font smaller this time.
i hate stupid birth control pills. they make me very pmsy. and by that i mean extremely moody. gah.
i would like a hysterectomy for...
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so i am working on my philosophy paper, taking a little break. it's supposed to be 3-4 pages, so that means i'm making it full 4 pages, and maybe i'll have to make the font smaller this time.
i hate stupid birth control pills. they make me very pmsy. and by that i mean extremely moody. gah.
i would like a hysterectomy for...
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You're right - having the DVD's of CSI is a convenience - like having Jaws on DVD - I've seen it 100's of times on TV and will still pop it in - same with the X-Files.
So what's the story with Littlemittens? It's a cute name - which is appropriate for you
Also, you never told me if you write or where you went to school and what for?
So what's the story with Littlemittens? It's a cute name - which is appropriate for you

Also, you never told me if you write or where you went to school and what for?
Well I'm glad you liked it. Hah, just re-reading it makes me lauph.

my new rattie, cuppie, is so cute. i love her very much. she is so little. peanut is a little jealous so i have to reassure her. i'm afraid they will fight. when we had cheezit and got peanut, peanut was little and cheezit was big and attacked and then peanut squeaked. i don't want the same thing to happen to little cuppie. she is...
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oh, and about your philosophy paper....do it....haha....ok,.....iwas actually thinking about changing my major from art to that.......but i just worry about too many loop holes, and what to do with it....
i just donated 25 bucks to the texas department of police for abandon children and familys left widowed by the death of their policemen parents.....i hope its not a scam...anyways theyre sending me something in the mail.....at least i didnt give out any information.....
i just donated 25 bucks to the texas department of police for abandon children and familys left widowed by the death of their policemen parents.....i hope its not a scam...anyways theyre sending me something in the mail.....at least i didnt give out any information.....
Ok - you think I'm funny - I think you're cute and like your taste in music - let's be friends
I'm sending out a friends request to you.
14 piercings and 9 tats - wow! Where are they?
PS - you saw me nakie - where are your nakie pictures

I'm sending out a friends request to you.
14 piercings and 9 tats - wow! Where are they?
PS - you saw me nakie - where are your nakie pictures

hello ladies and gents.
i had an amazing adventure yesterday with my friend justin while we were so effing baked.
i also got a new rat. she's so cuuute and little and brown. i love her soooo much.
i wish it were summer because i don't want to be in school anymore.
i had an amazing adventure yesterday with my friend justin while we were so effing baked.
i also got a new rat. she's so cuuute and little and brown. i love her soooo much.
i wish it were summer because i don't want to be in school anymore.
No darling, you're still wonderful

Yea I do need to put pics of the bunnies up. I just need to install the software to do so. Keep an eye out in the next few days for cute bunny pics
And that paper that was due yesterday, I still haven't done it yet.

And that paper that was due yesterday, I still haven't done it yet.

well my friends i went on spring break and now i am back.
i am also sick. it sucks hardcore.
peanut says hi.
my car broke down then i got it fixed. it sucked though because i drove up my driveway, and then put it in reverse to park it and it died. and then wouldn't start again. thank goodness it was in my driveway...
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i am also sick. it sucks hardcore.
peanut says hi.
my car broke down then i got it fixed. it sucked though because i drove up my driveway, and then put it in reverse to park it and it died. and then wouldn't start again. thank goodness it was in my driveway...
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i love my little
my little loves me
we're a little family (even though she lives so far away)
your song was better than mine, but i still love you just as much!
my little loves me
we're a little family (even though she lives so far away)

your song was better than mine, but i still love you just as much!
if you get on soon, tease this boy named donmauricio
hes really gay and one of my best fuckn friends........

i'm chillin here watching friends. i fuckin love this show. it rocks. i really need seasons 6, 9, and 10 to complete my collectio
... then a half an hour later...
so i just went to go to talk to my friend. she and her boyfriend are fighting. sad.
... then a half an hour later...
so i just went to go to talk to my friend. she and her boyfriend are fighting. sad.
So what's been ginng on lately?
where are you mitten........ive been looking.....and i cant find you
<---me looking for you

i've been high all DAY
but it's OK
on my philosophy paper i got an A
i really don't know what to SAY
ok that was my little rap. awesome huh, haha.
so i got my midsemester grades:
psychology A
writing A-
sociology A-
philosophy A
statistics C-
what the fuck? i fucking hate my stupid statistics teacher. first of all, this grade doesn't...
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but it's OK
on my philosophy paper i got an A
i really don't know what to SAY
ok that was my little rap. awesome huh, haha.
so i got my midsemester grades:
psychology A
writing A-
sociology A-
philosophy A
statistics C-
what the fuck? i fucking hate my stupid statistics teacher. first of all, this grade doesn't...
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a real man hangs out with his man out.....what's a emoticon?
dude, i was reading your fav films, and i have to say that milo and otis is one of mine too, i bought it, well my xgf bought it for me like 2 years ago, its not as crazy as i remember it when i was like 5...did you see that tiger movie that the same director made recently....cute cubs....i dunno if i can handle it, but if it were on i would watch it....man im on this site too much....i wish we had snow in texas
i want to go snowboarding and drink whiskey in the snow soo bad....what kind of weed do you primarly get up there? kind or dirt/shwagg?