Okay.... all you "skinbyrds" I just got a message from one on myspace whom I don't know. Bitching at me about my boots tattoo with the word skinbyrd under it. WELL I just want to say that its not your fuckin hair cut and your wardrobe that makes you anything. It's your mind set, your thoughts, your opinions. Just because I don't shave a part of my head.... that girl needs to get a life. I at one point in time had that but grew it out years ago.... Couldn't find a job out here with that. I needed a job after the fact my mother lost her job and we couldn't pay the bills. I'm sorry but people like that piss me off. Its not about your fuckin outer appearance.
ANYWAY.... I had to get that out.
I'm so lost with out being able to drive... i can't wait!!!
I'm also in a weird mood to go out or sleep... and I really don't want to sleep.... i might just paint. I say this a lot and I end up just drawing... who knows what will happen today..
Okay.... all you "skinbyrds" I just got a message from one on myspace whom I don't know. Bitching at me about my boots tattoo with the word skinbyrd under it. WELL I just want to say that its not your fuckin hair cut and your wardrobe that makes you anything. It's your mind set, your thoughts, your opinions. Just because I don't shave a part of my head.... that girl needs to get a life. I at one point in time had that but grew it out years ago.... Couldn't find a job out here with that. I needed a job after the fact my mother lost her job and we couldn't pay the bills. I'm sorry but people like that piss me off. Its not about your fuckin outer appearance.
ANYWAY.... I had to get that out.
I'm so lost with out being able to drive... i can't wait!!!
I'm also in a weird mood to go out or sleep... and I really don't want to sleep.... i might just paint. I say this a lot and I end up just drawing... who knows what will happen today..