Work tonight was a drag... and It really got under my skin that I couldn't lift things up so I'd have to ask someone to do it for me. I guess I'm to independent. After work was cool. I went to dinner with my co-work Jon... The same person whos been bugging the shit out of me and pissing me off almost everyimte we would work together. Well we worked together tonight and it went smooth. We used to go out ofr dinner every now and then months ago.... so it was kind of nice. We talked about shit that didn't have to do with work and gave eachother a chance to vent about stuff thats going on in our lives.... It was a good time.
I was really excited when I signed on here minutes ago and saw that the second magazine was out and only for 10 bucks. I jumped all over that. I'm filled with so much anticipation now. It will be tough waiting for it to come.
I can't wait until Saturday. My brother's band, Squared Off is playing a show at a church in Chicago...its random for them to be playing in a church but its still cool that they are playing. I am sad at the same time though because Friday they have a show with SHAM 69 and its 21+ ... which blows because SHAM 69 does have a ton of younger fans. So hopefully someday I'll get to see them. But Ofcourse I'm happy for Squared Off. This show is a big deal and I'm super glad that they get to be a part of it.
Sounds like a fine day.
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The work part was lame. The rest has be peaceful. A quiet night in SG land.
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