Hello Suicide Girls ...The loverly @gloxinea popped up with this questionnaire and nominated me.
I share them:
· If you were someone of the opposite gender to yours, what would you do?
Try out to be a suicide Girl
· What is the craziest cause why you have stopped liking someone?
They stopped loving me...who could not love me, that is crazy.
· What would be the first thing you buy if you had a million euros?
A vacation home in Costa Rica
· If my answer was YES to everything, what would you ask?
Ask @darcydiamond90 and @raphaelite for a date
· What is the strangest place where you have slept?
A theatre just before filming an awards show
· What is the strangest place you have visited?
The steeple of a cathedral (it was after a fire and i was repairing it)
· At what age did you notice that you can't say “parallelepiped” without pressing your lips together?
· Describe yourself in 5 words.
Funny, Caring, loving, affectionate and and a great lover (after my date with @darcydiamond90 and @raphaelite i hope)
· What is the strangest dream you've ever had?
I am lost in my old high school
· What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
· What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
I wanted to be on a beach for the rest of my life
· What superpower would you like to have?
· What is the dumbest lie you've ever told to reject someone?
Our boss cares for you and your welfare
Thank you for this beautiful space
You would make a top SuicideGirl if you were a woman 😃💕