Ok, more snow fell and my god more shovelling. This time you get to see my Suicide Girls gear.
Ok, more snow fell and my god more shovelling. This time you get to see my Suicide Girls gear.
I was tagged in a blog post about art work by @samihain . This piece has always been my favourite.
Luncheon on the Grass by Monet
It captured my attention when Bow Wow Wow used it as inspiration for an album cover
And, my god I had (and still do) have such a crush on Annabella Lwin
Thank you Suicide Girls for helping me shovel the driveway this morning. I had on my SG long Johnβs, SG hoodie and a SG tee shirt on.
This is not me, I use a model to show these off
The awesome @dicentra put out this question and here are my answers
1. What made you want to join SG? I saw an image and I had to explore what this SG was all about. Here is the image of @akuma
2. How much do you use the website in your day to day life?
I am on this site daily, it goes well with
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Here is a wee shout out to @tattumom and her new set. Here is one of my favourite shots
Please go check it out
Tonight it is die hard night and axe throwing.
Die hard first β¦then axe throwing..not at the same time
I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and it is not easy to Choose who to put into a blog like this. I do love those who have been here for as long as I have. There have been so many changes.
This time of year a will raise a glass of cheer for all of you.
Thank you @eisesara for mentioning me for this.
1. How did you spend your Thanksgiving? Our thanksgiving was last month and I had my kids over for Turkey. We have a Turkey every 1/4, love leftover T-Dinner
2. Do you shop on Black Friday? I do not, I really dislike this idea
3. Any family traditions for Thanksgiving?not really, it is not a big deal...
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This is me in the morning with my Mug of tea. This is what my mornings always look like.
Thank you @ojtheviking for this morning online ge together