Hey suicide girls world! How are you? Soon this year ends. So that's why today I decided to make a blog post about what was good in this year.
Actually this is the worst year to me, but there was some good things like I'm finally here. For me it was so hard to upload set. I was so scared like what if people here will not like me. But this journey now is the best what happened to me I think. I've never met so kind, awesome and cute persons like on SG community. Maybe with some of you I'll be friends one. I'd love to.
Also I want to thank this year for my little rat boy. I love him so so much. Pupa made my life better and he is one of the reasons why I want to be home.
Another good thing is I finally back to arts. Usually I draw only when I feel bad. But now I'm trying to create thing even if I feel good.
Also I have some little things like new perfume, clothes but all I said before pretty much better than physical things.
So let me know what made this year better for you.
P. S. Thanks to everyone who supports me on my onlyfans and here. It helps me moving on and creating new content. In 2021 I'll make more and more things for you. ❤❤
@missy @rambo @sean