So I cannot sleep freakin wink. I was scheduled 1 day on the graveyard shift...THATS it just one day..and so help me I cannot fucking rest even though Im so sick I feel like I have broken ribs from coughing so fucking much.
So I am 7 pounds lighter than the January 3rd post. so far so good.
Not good that its 2am and I am geting the urge to jog with my Gin and Tonic in tow.
You guys ever get weird cravings? i dont meant like pregnancy cravings...I meanshit like...limes and tequil....oh wait...I wa thinking of something seriously I have been craving limes like thier going out of fucking style...what the fuck is that?
So shit. I'm ready to start dating again...I've gone on a couple...but everything akward...and Im too old and set in my ways and incredibly picky. Oh god....and the stalker...what do I do? Hes coming into my work everyday and were calling the fucking security people and he doesnt care..fuck..thats enough to scare you off of dating for a good long while...... but damn now. I need some booty and soon. heheheh and not shitty stalker booty either.
Cracks me up. Not really that hard to get laid when youre female you know?
I am just so damn picky.....and out of it. Havent dated in YEARS..I mean it people.
One year tomorrow marks the dawn of my new bachelorette status. LOVING it. SOOOO happy...really...for the most part.
I think I have leftover intimacy issues from the divorce. Is that normal?
I am afraid I wil never feel again...I am waiting but no one has been worth it yet.
And I am so independant. Self reliant...and I want to look at porn and hang out with Sg porn people til 100 o clock in the morning. I dont want to have anyone to answer to except my boss who enables me to pay my bills...and unless im late from a hangover...I dont want to hear from her either.
It scares me a bit. I am officially asexual..and I so far im ok with that. I WAS in a n abusive marriage...but how normal is this? Do you guys think it will be ok?
So..I have added a personal trainer and a nutrionist to the days activities. Wish me luck. Maybe if I totally tone up and reform my body I will feel sexy enough to throw caution to the wind and get at it with a series of one or 2 night stands. But I just don't know....unless I meet someone fantastic I will stick with my old close visit often.
I would also like to start listing a rant section at the end of all of my journals.....
Rant #1
I don't care who you are. If you see that i am talking on my piece of shit cell phone (that never gets a signal nonetheless) can you please not fucking talk to me? Wait till I fucking hang up and then I will be happy to talk in a somewhat nice tone. Dont try to get my attention, dont ask me questions....and for the love of everything....don't try to sell me shit. I pay alot for these minutes...and half the time...I have to wear a fucking tinfoil hat and hold a leg up in the air at a 45 degree angle just to get a signal...SO BACK THE FUCK OFF....
ok. feel better....will try to sleep now. see you guys soon.
Thanks for listening..and please give the feedback. Starting over from scratch.
So I am 7 pounds lighter than the January 3rd post. so far so good.
Not good that its 2am and I am geting the urge to jog with my Gin and Tonic in tow.
You guys ever get weird cravings? i dont meant like pregnancy cravings...I meanshit like...limes and tequil....oh wait...I wa thinking of something seriously I have been craving limes like thier going out of fucking style...what the fuck is that?
So shit. I'm ready to start dating again...I've gone on a couple...but everything akward...and Im too old and set in my ways and incredibly picky. Oh god....and the stalker...what do I do? Hes coming into my work everyday and were calling the fucking security people and he doesnt care..fuck..thats enough to scare you off of dating for a good long while...... but damn now. I need some booty and soon. heheheh and not shitty stalker booty either.
Cracks me up. Not really that hard to get laid when youre female you know?
I am just so damn picky.....and out of it. Havent dated in YEARS..I mean it people.
One year tomorrow marks the dawn of my new bachelorette status. LOVING it. SOOOO happy...really...for the most part.
I think I have leftover intimacy issues from the divorce. Is that normal?
I am afraid I wil never feel again...I am waiting but no one has been worth it yet.
And I am so independant. Self reliant...and I want to look at porn and hang out with Sg porn people til 100 o clock in the morning. I dont want to have anyone to answer to except my boss who enables me to pay my bills...and unless im late from a hangover...I dont want to hear from her either.
It scares me a bit. I am officially asexual..and I so far im ok with that. I WAS in a n abusive marriage...but how normal is this? Do you guys think it will be ok?
So..I have added a personal trainer and a nutrionist to the days activities. Wish me luck. Maybe if I totally tone up and reform my body I will feel sexy enough to throw caution to the wind and get at it with a series of one or 2 night stands. But I just don't know....unless I meet someone fantastic I will stick with my old close visit often.
I would also like to start listing a rant section at the end of all of my journals.....
Rant #1
I don't care who you are. If you see that i am talking on my piece of shit cell phone (that never gets a signal nonetheless) can you please not fucking talk to me? Wait till I fucking hang up and then I will be happy to talk in a somewhat nice tone. Dont try to get my attention, dont ask me questions....and for the love of everything....don't try to sell me shit. I pay alot for these minutes...and half the time...I have to wear a fucking tinfoil hat and hold a leg up in the air at a 45 degree angle just to get a signal...SO BACK THE FUCK OFF....
ok. feel better....will try to sleep now. see you guys soon.
Thanks for listening..and please give the feedback. Starting over from scratch.

hey how have you been. idk if you remeber me but we met at sinjuns a while back when you were cutting hair. i need some advice on what to do with mine. its kinda blah right now and im not sure what to do about it.