When I first saw anything suicide girls related I was probably 12 ish, they were on an episode of csi or something like that. There were these edgy girls doing crazy things and at the time it didn't register with me what they were or what it meant.
When I turned 18 and started getting interested in more adult life choices like what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be modelling was something I was heavily leaning towards.
Being 5'2" I'm still too short for most people's definition of even a petite model. Realizing this crushed my heart and I kind of let that dream die.
I rediscovered suicide girls shortly after when I dyed my hair purple, got my first tattoo and pierced my nose. Someone said "wow you're starting too look like a suicide girl"
I looked them up and fell in love. But I was so so insecure with my body having had a child at a very young age due to circumstances I didn't have control over made it hard for me too even look myself in the mirror. So again I let the dream fade.
Now that I've had 2 more children (the absolute lights of my life) and I've gained more confidence in who I am and what my body is, I filled out the application again and finally sent it in. I waited anxiously too hear back. Upon finally hearing back I went out and shot my first set. (3 months and 2 weeks until my debut!) I was nervous and excited all at the same time.
I finally received my email stating my set had been accepted and my hopeful profile had been created. Since then I've felt such an overwhelming love and strength in this community.
We are all outcasts, we are all weird and different, and vulnerable. And that's OK.
There's support beyond my wildest imagination here. And I'm learning too really love my body again. While helping other with loving theirs as well.
I guess the point here is that my life changed for the better because of suicide girls and I'm grateful 💕
If you're still reading this thank you for all the support and love
Xoxo -Little Dot
@missy @rambo