i guess its been a while since i was here- not to much goin on in the world of me- im sick as shit right now- my throat feels like its on fire and i kant stop coughing-im getting no sleep any more so im now the walking dead which is kinda fun cuz i really dont no whuts goin on im just kinda there not sure y im there but i am-9hour grave yard shift+skool = no bueno- but fuck it cuz in 9 days ill be in austin chillen not doin a damn thing just sitten there in the warmness that is down there- but that is all for now cuz i need to find me some day quil

assuming you're still alive... still wanna be in SGCO? drop me a quick comment, wouldja?
I have a huge lump on the left side of my jaw from an extra plate they had to put on during my surgery. It's wierd feeling.
Anyway yay for the school thing. What classes are you taking?