all right whuts up kiddies- been a way for a bit been feeling like shit for a while this hole not sleeping for more than a couple hours a night is starten to kill me- but in other news
i find out if i can get in to skool on wendsay so that should be good times- and if i get in i figure ill give eugene at least one year of skool- theres gotta be something here- and come then end of the skool year ima bounce- dunno where thinken some where stupidly big like ny or la or lasvegas - that could be cool
work is always interesting the other day we had a guy claiming he was jesues and got but ass nekid and started to walk around the store then went to the back and began to shit in on of the booths- thank god i wasnt working at the time or i would have draged him out by his pubes and thrown him in the street-but other than that works always interesting- new stories every night and my porn collection keeps growing which is always a good thing - but the janitor quit so that means i get to be the janitor now until they hire a new one- and thats sucks- but ill probally be getting 50 hrs in 4 days so i aint bitchen to much- over time is good- cleaning up man goo is bad
and letssseeeee gonna be in denver in october to get some ink done and see a bunch of friends so im excited about that and then in nov getta go to las vegas and that will rock socks-i love vegas
and i found a place cheap as fuck so soon as this jack asss moves out i get to move in so it should be wiht in a couple months and im happy about that
and i think that was about it
i find out if i can get in to skool on wendsay so that should be good times- and if i get in i figure ill give eugene at least one year of skool- theres gotta be something here- and come then end of the skool year ima bounce- dunno where thinken some where stupidly big like ny or la or lasvegas - that could be cool
work is always interesting the other day we had a guy claiming he was jesues and got but ass nekid and started to walk around the store then went to the back and began to shit in on of the booths- thank god i wasnt working at the time or i would have draged him out by his pubes and thrown him in the street-but other than that works always interesting- new stories every night and my porn collection keeps growing which is always a good thing - but the janitor quit so that means i get to be the janitor now until they hire a new one- and thats sucks- but ill probally be getting 50 hrs in 4 days so i aint bitchen to much- over time is good- cleaning up man goo is bad
and letssseeeee gonna be in denver in october to get some ink done and see a bunch of friends so im excited about that and then in nov getta go to las vegas and that will rock socks-i love vegas
and i found a place cheap as fuck so soon as this jack asss moves out i get to move in so it should be wiht in a couple months and im happy about that
and i think that was about it

i totally agree, caffiene helps me sleep like nothing else 

yay school happy happy fun times