whut up kiddies ok so some cool shit has happened over the last few days
at work i got promoted cuz the regular nite guy got caught smoken crack on dudy so i got his shifts which rocks now im worken graveyard 4days in a row and 3 days off-good times
had 2 crack heads come in last night around 2 in the morning to use the booths and i dont no whut happened if they were getten high or whut but around 530 they finally came out and when they did the guy when to the bathroom and the girl stayed and talked to me but then started cryen adn sayen that the guy didnt kill that guy and it was an accident but she still loves him so i was a bit crepped out- then i hear in the bathroom thrown up so she goes to see whuts up and i hear them talken about how he wants to kill him and i have no clue whuts goin on so i grab my bitch be good stick and just wait for him to come at me so i can bonk him but he didnt he just mumbled some shit to me and then left
then some guy came in wanting to pose nude but im like dude its a store we dont take pics and he got all pissd at me and started yellen and whut not so then i made him leave and he tried to slam the door but coulndt so i laughed at him and told him to have a nice day and he told me to fuck off
but then when i get home after a 10 hour day i sit down at the computer and a friend telles me to play this game and little to say being sleep deprived this game is fucking hard
then gotta hang out wiht yumchen the other night and that was good times
and other than that not much is goin on just woke up and now im getten ready to head off to work
at work i got promoted cuz the regular nite guy got caught smoken crack on dudy so i got his shifts which rocks now im worken graveyard 4days in a row and 3 days off-good times
had 2 crack heads come in last night around 2 in the morning to use the booths and i dont no whut happened if they were getten high or whut but around 530 they finally came out and when they did the guy when to the bathroom and the girl stayed and talked to me but then started cryen adn sayen that the guy didnt kill that guy and it was an accident but she still loves him so i was a bit crepped out- then i hear in the bathroom thrown up so she goes to see whuts up and i hear them talken about how he wants to kill him and i have no clue whuts goin on so i grab my bitch be good stick and just wait for him to come at me so i can bonk him but he didnt he just mumbled some shit to me and then left
then some guy came in wanting to pose nude but im like dude its a store we dont take pics and he got all pissd at me and started yellen and whut not so then i made him leave and he tried to slam the door but coulndt so i laughed at him and told him to have a nice day and he told me to fuck off
but then when i get home after a 10 hour day i sit down at the computer and a friend telles me to play this game and little to say being sleep deprived this game is fucking hard
then gotta hang out wiht yumchen the other night and that was good times
and other than that not much is goin on just woke up and now im getten ready to head off to work

foamy!!! CARD CLUB!!!
I hope this doesn't turn you into a jaded fuck! Yeah, that shit sucks about the guy who died. I'll catch you on IM and give you the address. So, when are you comin' to visit? I'll be unemployed in a matter of days, so I'll be hanging at the store the whole time. They're gonna hate me. Actually, Moon likes to spank me, so that keeps me around. Later!