ahh yes goin to the first day of work-yea? i guess but its back to the porno shope for me no more sitten around watchen movies all day getting absoloutely shit done-so hopfully this will get me motovated to go register for skool and start trying to put on concerts agin cuz that was fun fun-
in other news im almost smoke free its kinda cool down to a couple smokes a day and feelen a hole lot better so soon ill be nikotten free- no more venom like spit -but spittin on people was always watchen them try to rub it off and just get it all smudged around
and i think thats all for now
in other news im almost smoke free its kinda cool down to a couple smokes a day and feelen a hole lot better so soon ill be nikotten free- no more venom like spit -but spittin on people was always watchen them try to rub it off and just get it all smudged around
and i think thats all for now
