ok whut up kiddies
sorry havent been around but havent been around a computer or more than a couple minutes since i got here
so im chillen down here in texass- i forgot how much i fucking hate the humitidy but i have met some cool kids i met the infamous
Mulhollanddrive and he is one cool cat- and seeing all the people i used to run wiht . running aroud austin checken out the local seens got some cool concrts comeing up dark lotus should be fun and maby cold and hute ever sounds good but yea just helpen the xmember suburbanslave open up her sex shope which is quite fun but i need to get back to eugene soon i got shit im missen there.
sorry havent been around but havent been around a computer or more than a couple minutes since i got here
so im chillen down here in texass- i forgot how much i fucking hate the humitidy but i have met some cool kids i met the infamous
Mulhollanddrive and he is one cool cat- and seeing all the people i used to run wiht . running aroud austin checken out the local seens got some cool concrts comeing up dark lotus should be fun and maby cold and hute ever sounds good but yea just helpen the xmember suburbanslave open up her sex shope which is quite fun but i need to get back to eugene soon i got shit im missen there.

He he he, did you miss me?
Don't worry I was sober for hours, I was just freaked out that if some how I was tested I would still have a trace left in me.