ok here we go a quick rant by me- heres a few things that are pissen me off lately
1. girl scouts
FUCK YOU u damn little kids!!!!no i dont want any of ur damn cookies and quit fucking asking me!! the more u ask dosent help ur chances wiht me at all-- and then they have there parents standing behind them glaring at me to buy some fucking cookies- well fuck u too girl scout mom i hope u fucking choke on one of ur damn cookies- it would serve u right for pestering me at every damn store im tryin to go in- fuckers
2. kids answering the fone
DONT LET UR FUCKING KID ANSWER THE GOD DAMN FONE!!!!! its fucking annoying and there fucking litte who inthe hell is goin to be calling them? no one!!! thats fucking who so yea im not liken that too much
3. kids on peoples answering machines
ITS NOT FUCKING CUTE!!!!!!! it really isnt- so fucking stop
4.couples that make me gag
its these couples that run around all like oooooo i love u no i love- fucking shoot me! always around eachother always missing the other when there not around normal couples are fine and when ur in love i have no problems wiht that but when all utalk about is ur other and whut there doin and how much u love them just do me a favor and kill ur selves and then u can be wiht eachother for ever and leave me the fuck alone
and other than that nothen much goin on got my first concert coming up and quite excited for that and to see how that will turn out
got the second show set up and now have a contract wiht a record company so we get there bands which rocks socks!!
and seting up our third show so that should be good
but for now im outtie like the fat kid in doge ball
ohh yea 2 more things that are pissing me off lately
goth kids who are sooooo goth that they fart dust- fuck u!! if ur so obsesed wiht death then kill ur self hell give me the gun ill do it for u
and emo kids but i really dont have to go into that all that much cuz well they just suck
1. girl scouts
FUCK YOU u damn little kids!!!!no i dont want any of ur damn cookies and quit fucking asking me!! the more u ask dosent help ur chances wiht me at all-- and then they have there parents standing behind them glaring at me to buy some fucking cookies- well fuck u too girl scout mom i hope u fucking choke on one of ur damn cookies- it would serve u right for pestering me at every damn store im tryin to go in- fuckers
2. kids answering the fone
DONT LET UR FUCKING KID ANSWER THE GOD DAMN FONE!!!!! its fucking annoying and there fucking litte who inthe hell is goin to be calling them? no one!!! thats fucking who so yea im not liken that too much
3. kids on peoples answering machines
ITS NOT FUCKING CUTE!!!!!!! it really isnt- so fucking stop
4.couples that make me gag
its these couples that run around all like oooooo i love u no i love- fucking shoot me! always around eachother always missing the other when there not around normal couples are fine and when ur in love i have no problems wiht that but when all utalk about is ur other and whut there doin and how much u love them just do me a favor and kill ur selves and then u can be wiht eachother for ever and leave me the fuck alone
and other than that nothen much goin on got my first concert coming up and quite excited for that and to see how that will turn out
got the second show set up and now have a contract wiht a record company so we get there bands which rocks socks!!
and seting up our third show so that should be good
but for now im outtie like the fat kid in doge ball
ohh yea 2 more things that are pissing me off lately
goth kids who are sooooo goth that they fart dust- fuck u!! if ur so obsesed wiht death then kill ur self hell give me the gun ill do it for u
and emo kids but i really dont have to go into that all that much cuz well they just suck

You ever start talking to a couple and mid sentence they start kissing, makes you feel real important.