ilost a lot of blood today and that sucked i was work fucken around wiht my knife which is just a realy nice boxkutter and u was cutten my pen and slipped and stuck the razor in my fuckin thumb it was instant bad so i went to the sink and made a huge mess- i thought it was fucking funny but everyone else didnt like me gettin blood all over the place so after i filled my third papertowl wiht blood i got a bandid aid and that shit still didnt stop so after about 3 hours of bleeding it finally stoped and i got home and put that liquid badaid on it and let it dry then poked something wiht my thumb and cracked it right open and blood was everywhere agin so i just gave up and taped a paper towl and bandaid to my thumb and im good for now
i did just get to see the probot viedo and that was quite cool
i did just get to see the probot viedo and that was quite cool

The one at neighbors?
Blood is yummy and all, since I'm a vampire, *bites* but go get a some freakin' stitches damnit!! AARRRRGGG!!