so last nite i was out side about 1 in the moring and i was smoking the days last smoke but its been rainen and snowing here for a few days so theres ice all over every thing it was super quite excpt for all the tree braches cracken- it was a word i kant figure out how to describe it
Did it snow or something in the god-forsaken snow-land people like to call Colorado? What kind of problems are surfacing with college? And 3, quit watching fight club.
went out and got me a cel fone- so no i can talk at the movie theaters and not pay attention when i drive cuz im too damn busy talken- mwahahahha(evil laugh)
then got a new pair of shoes- rocken the etnies- suer shweet
i got a marage proposal on my ansering machine - and its... Read More
ok kiddies ive been gone for a while or so it seems- i had to put daisy down which was the hardest thing ive ever done fellin her die in my arms then having to lay her lifeless body on the table and walk out and go home with out her just her collar and leash- i felt somthing die inside of me at that... Read More
whats up, no man I wanted to get into breeding them but after looking at site after site, I believe that they are just to over breed and there are to many of them in pounds and being destroyed, So i am just going to breed whenever I want another one, but I do take them to shows and hopefully one day own a respectable kennel, you into movies and shit?
ya no today started out as such a good day- i got up and the cable dude was here so got cable modem now so the computer is all super fast- then went out to fill out a job app and on the way i heard on the radio that if u bring some cans to this certain place u can get free concert tickets... Read More
whut the fuck happened to fireenginred??? huhh this is pissen me off how kids are getting booted off dammit if any one noes whut happend to fireenginred let me no pleeze yea so thats all for now
I am currently unemployed.
I am, by trade, a welder and a machinist. But I haven't been working for like a month and a half. I need to start working again, ASAP. Like NOW.
Hope the job is a good one.