"Were the animaniacs, and were zany to the max"
Remember that cartoon? Yeah! It rocks, just watched it earlier today.
I had my air conditioner go out in my house last week, and my truck air cond was been broken since May. Got one out of the two fixed, and tomorow my truck better be as cold as a witche's tit, damn it!
Im thinking about relocating to Dallas, and going to work for Children's Hospital. JPS is dicking me around with my scheduling....and well, I am not up for that kinda shit. Because there are three kinda people in this world...."dicks, pussys, and assholes" (see team america if you are scratching your head right now) and I aint no asshole!
Im ready for a change, and so is Aaron. He's been at his shitty job for five years, and ive been in Arlington for five years now.....and well... we're ready for a new kinda kick, as Lux Interior would say.
Remember that cartoon? Yeah! It rocks, just watched it earlier today.
I had my air conditioner go out in my house last week, and my truck air cond was been broken since May. Got one out of the two fixed, and tomorow my truck better be as cold as a witche's tit, damn it!
Im thinking about relocating to Dallas, and going to work for Children's Hospital. JPS is dicking me around with my scheduling....and well, I am not up for that kinda shit. Because there are three kinda people in this world...."dicks, pussys, and assholes" (see team america if you are scratching your head right now) and I aint no asshole!
Im ready for a change, and so is Aaron. He's been at his shitty job for five years, and ive been in Arlington for five years now.....and well... we're ready for a new kinda kick, as Lux Interior would say.
I haven't spoken to you in ages it seems. I hope all is well (your profile pic is just sooo pretty)
Working with babies and kids...now THAT is fabulous. emotionally trying at times I am sure but very rewarding. Go florence (nightingale) go!!!