Saw Hank III on Monday. It was pretty cool...just like last time. But he had a special guest this time...Wayne the Train showed up. That was a pleasant surprise. As weinerdog and I were standing at the bar, Hank III walked by us as he headed towards the stage (he had like 3 staff members escorting him). He was just as gorgeous up close, as he is from afar....but what surprised me is that he is a little bigger than I thought he was. While watching him on stage, he looks like a little twurp. We didnt stay for the metal part, had to leave bec I was falling asleep at the bar. Not bec I wasnt interested, its just the fuckin 8-5 orientation thats been kickin my ass! I cant get used to it, and I want to get back to my night-time schedule soooooo baaaaddddd. I still have four my days of orientation. It has been incredibley, gut-wrenching boring! But I have learned some interesting things about Cooks, and I am exciting about working there.
It's St Pattys day this Friday. Woot woot! Im like 1/8 Irish, so that gives me a good excuse to go celebrate. I think we are gonna go to J. Gilligans in Arlington...they have a big block party every Patty's day. They serve the green beer, and have bands, etc. And I think my friend Maggie (the girl who does my hair) is gonna be servin up the beers. Who else wants to go?????
It's St Pattys day this Friday. Woot woot! Im like 1/8 Irish, so that gives me a good excuse to go celebrate. I think we are gonna go to J. Gilligans in Arlington...they have a big block party every Patty's day. They serve the green beer, and have bands, etc. And I think my friend Maggie (the girl who does my hair) is gonna be servin up the beers. Who else wants to go?????
hha you are so cute!!

i too was at that was wonderful.