Guess what? Im on, I took a couple pics for vonbaxter's site, and now im on their homepage. Tickled me pink to see myself on there. I no suicidegirl or anything...but I still think it's pretty darn cool. They have a really good site too. You should check it out, just to see all the neat stuff they have to offer...not to see my pouty face.
I have been on this huge hotchocholate kick lately. I drink the lowfat kind to save on cal, so its not as good as the real thing....but it still gives me my fix. You know what I like? I like when not all the little choc particles dissolve, and you get a little mouthfull of the powder with the gulp. How about you? What is your favorite drink of the month?
Work has been super busy lately. My head was a little fuzzy last night, so many things to remember. Took care of this kid who said "Bye! God bless you" on my way out today (his mother told him to say it). I was like "thanks, you too." It was really cute. Im starting at Cooks pretty soon. Orientation starts on the 13th, which is also the date of the Hank III show. Im pretty excited about Cooks. I feel like im starting a new chapter of my life. Got a new job, and a new house, new friends/old friends, and a new outlook on things. I feel like everythings gonna be okay. As simple as that sounds, when you truly believe it, it is an exhilerating feeling.
Yup. All I need now is some good 'ol sex and then I will be on cloud nine.
Why do we say that? Cloud nine? Who gave coulds numbers?
I have been on this huge hotchocholate kick lately. I drink the lowfat kind to save on cal, so its not as good as the real thing....but it still gives me my fix. You know what I like? I like when not all the little choc particles dissolve, and you get a little mouthfull of the powder with the gulp. How about you? What is your favorite drink of the month?
Work has been super busy lately. My head was a little fuzzy last night, so many things to remember. Took care of this kid who said "Bye! God bless you" on my way out today (his mother told him to say it). I was like "thanks, you too." It was really cute. Im starting at Cooks pretty soon. Orientation starts on the 13th, which is also the date of the Hank III show. Im pretty excited about Cooks. I feel like im starting a new chapter of my life. Got a new job, and a new house, new friends/old friends, and a new outlook on things. I feel like everythings gonna be okay. As simple as that sounds, when you truly believe it, it is an exhilerating feeling.
Yup. All I need now is some good 'ol sex and then I will be on cloud nine.
Why do we say that? Cloud nine? Who gave coulds numbers?


You look pretty damn cute on!