Have to say...im not to impressed with the two most recent photosets for today. The one of Kay is all blury, and she looks kinda old.
Got back from Shreveport yesterday. We WON!!!! Well, my Mom did, my luck wasnt too good. But she won enough to give me a 100. So I actually left with more than I came in with. It was my Mom's bday yesterday. She was soo hyper at the casinos. She kept squeling and shouting at the machines and the people around her. We sat down with a whole row of old farts at the Wheel of Fortune slots, and every time someone would get a "spin" she would stand up and shout "Come on! Big money Big money!" It was pretty funny.
When I got back home, I went to meet up with weinerdog. We watched Rock-N-Roll high school and then humped. I havn't seen that movie since I was 13 or so. I remember me and my friend saying "Gabba Gabba Hey" to eachother....just like Riff says it after she meets Joey Ramone for the first time. I asked weinerdog which Ramone he would of picked to go out with if he got to meet them....of course he was like "which one?" and did the whole im not gay thing. But I got him to answer. He said DeeDee. And I was like "OMG me too!" Actually, I think Jonny was the cutest....but if I had to pick one...it would be DeeDee bec he was super sexy on stage, and he was prolly really fun to hang out with. But it would have to be this young and drug-fucked DeeDee, not the pushing 40 and making crappy music, drug-fucked DeeDee.
Which Ramone would you pick?
Got back from Shreveport yesterday. We WON!!!! Well, my Mom did, my luck wasnt too good. But she won enough to give me a 100. So I actually left with more than I came in with. It was my Mom's bday yesterday. She was soo hyper at the casinos. She kept squeling and shouting at the machines and the people around her. We sat down with a whole row of old farts at the Wheel of Fortune slots, and every time someone would get a "spin" she would stand up and shout "Come on! Big money Big money!" It was pretty funny.
When I got back home, I went to meet up with weinerdog. We watched Rock-N-Roll high school and then humped. I havn't seen that movie since I was 13 or so. I remember me and my friend saying "Gabba Gabba Hey" to eachother....just like Riff says it after she meets Joey Ramone for the first time. I asked weinerdog which Ramone he would of picked to go out with if he got to meet them....of course he was like "which one?" and did the whole im not gay thing. But I got him to answer. He said DeeDee. And I was like "OMG me too!" Actually, I think Jonny was the cutest....but if I had to pick one...it would be DeeDee bec he was super sexy on stage, and he was prolly really fun to hang out with. But it would have to be this young and drug-fucked DeeDee, not the pushing 40 and making crappy music, drug-fucked DeeDee.
Which Ramone would you pick?

Hope you have a safe and kickass trip this weekend!