Anybody to rape round here?
Cause I really need to rape somebody RIGHT NOW
, on this song:
I can't blame men who always say women are complicated, because when I was with my boyfriend for 7 years sex didn't interest me so much...
I didn't think I was going to miss it (and believe me he was really good however
) ... but now it's just as if freedom was making me wild!
And of course there's nobody to rape anymore...
I need love too, but I'm not sure I'm ready for this yet, and I always fall in love with people I'll never get so...
Anyway, if I can't have sex or love I'll have piercings!
I used to have a ring around my lip but took it out when I went out with my ex because it wasn't easy to kiss...
I really loved this piercing and I miss it, so as I'm gonna do it again tomorrow I think. And by the way I'll pierce my tragus too if it's not too expensive...
When looking for info, I found some nice piercings I had never seen before, made by the artist Indy from Ritual in Brussels. I show you, let me know what you think about them:
This one is a skin diver, nice but I don't know anybody who experienced this technic so I don't dare to try...
I love this one too, I saw an SG having it but don't know who anymore, sorry
But I'm afraid it won't last because it's a surface piercing and badly placed too...
This one is the same as Abbiss' piercing, it's really beautiful on her!
But it's also a surface piercing and if I do a normal tragus I won't do this one.
This is another one I liked for years but I don't dare to do it because I think I won't like it on me:
But to tell you the story, at first I wanted to pierce my septum because I really love this piercing, but Maedusa told me she had to take it out because it was a pain in the ass...
So finally I decided to do the labret because I know I love it on me and it's not difficult to keep, and at the same time I'll do the tragus I wanted to do after the zombie day but I had to take an appointment.
I'll show you the result tomorrow!
Take care! Kisses!
Cause I really need to rape somebody RIGHT NOW

I can't blame men who always say women are complicated, because when I was with my boyfriend for 7 years sex didn't interest me so much...

I need love too, but I'm not sure I'm ready for this yet, and I always fall in love with people I'll never get so...

Anyway, if I can't have sex or love I'll have piercings!

I used to have a ring around my lip but took it out when I went out with my ex because it wasn't easy to kiss...
I really loved this piercing and I miss it, so as I'm gonna do it again tomorrow I think. And by the way I'll pierce my tragus too if it's not too expensive...
When looking for info, I found some nice piercings I had never seen before, made by the artist Indy from Ritual in Brussels. I show you, let me know what you think about them:
This one is a skin diver, nice but I don't know anybody who experienced this technic so I don't dare to try...

I love this one too, I saw an SG having it but don't know who anymore, sorry

This one is the same as Abbiss' piercing, it's really beautiful on her!

This is another one I liked for years but I don't dare to do it because I think I won't like it on me:

But to tell you the story, at first I wanted to pierce my septum because I really love this piercing, but Maedusa told me she had to take it out because it was a pain in the ass...

So finally I decided to do the labret because I know I love it on me and it's not difficult to keep, and at the same time I'll do the tragus I wanted to do after the zombie day but I had to take an appointment.
I'll show you the result tomorrow!

Take care! Kisses!

Des petits trousn des petits trous encore des petits trouuuUUUUsssss.....

i adore this movie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!