Hi everybody 
I found something nice on Weston's blog to intrduce myself to you:
100 Truths about me
1. Last beverage- Nespresso.... what else?
2. Last phone call to Arnaud, a really nice friend from France
3. Last text message euh? don't remember^^
4. Last song you listened to Joliet "wildwood"
5. Last time you cried 5 minutes ago when I read Weston's blog
6. Dated someone twice yeah but usually when it's over it's over...
7. Been cheated on? Never (well, yeah once but I was 13 and felt awful afterwards^^)
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No
9. Lost someone special? my best friend
10. Been depressed? Yeah I'm still depressed I think...
11. Been drunk? of course, once it ended at the hospital (don't try it at home please
12. Violet
13. Fushia
14. Black
15. Made new friends yes, I met nice people when travelling to Amsterdam and in the school I'm doing my stage now, but I also found a lot of old friends back on facebook (like Maedusa ) and it's a real pleasure!
16. Fallen out of love out of love? what does it mean? maybe I should answer yes because my boyfriend and I decided to part after 7 years together...
17. Laughed until you cried: don't think so...
18. Met someone who changed you maybe... actually I met lots of interesting people who made me think about my life and other things... but I'm still hoping for a real change!
19. Found out who your true friends were--> you never know...
20. Found out someone was talking about you I don't care
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list Nope... I haven't kissed anybody since I'm single...
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life Just Maedusa
23. How many kids do you want to have Not sure yet I want kids, my life is too messy right now
24. Do you have any pets Yes! My gorgeous Moon, an adorable american rednose pitbull, I love her soooo much!
25. Do you want to change your name I love my real name!
26. What did you do for your last birthday I went to Amsterdam with my best friend
27. What time did you wake up today -> too late!
28. What were you doing at midnight last night I was with my best friend
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for having my degree and doing something else!!!
30. Last time you saw your father One week ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life stop smoking
32. What are you listening to right now Joliet " Wandering my path"
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom Yes and he was weird!
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? my studies, my mood, myself!!!
36. Whats your real name Tamara
38. Zodiac sign: Capricorn
39. Male or female F
40. Elementary Clabecq, Belgium
41. Middle School IPES Tubize, Belgium
42. High school ULB, Belgium
43. Hair color gold
44. Long or short Growing it out
45. Height small
46. Do you have a crush on someone? yeah, but forget I'll tell you :p
47. What do you like about yourself? I'm not sure there's something to like about me...
48. Piercings yes, 3 in the right ear (one stretch, one normal and one in the catilage), one in the left ear (and soon tragus), in the belly (??) and my favourite one between my eyes, a pyramidal
I used to wear a ring around my lip, I loved it but it sucked to kiss! I also had one in my tongue when I was 16 but my mother paid me to get it off! 
49. Tattoos Cherries on my lower back and a tibetan mantra on my wrist
50. Righty or lefty Righty
51. First surgery I was in preschool, but it was only to get a potentially dangerous beauty point off
52. First piercing When I was 12, in the ear cartilage
53. First tattoo cherries on my lower back when I was 18
54. First best friend Charlotte, RIP I love you...
55. First sport you joined classical ballet
56. First pet Mirette (cat)
57. First vacation remembered we used to go to Austria with my parents when I was a child
58. First concert 3 T (yeah you may laugh
59. First crush--> Pierre, when I was 6, I offered him a pen for Valentine's day but unfortunately he loved Virginie and not me
60. First alcohol drink a awful mix between Pasoa and Pisang which got us naked in my swimmingpool in the garden at 4 am, my parents were gone for 2 days when I was 14 so I invited my best friend and her boyfriend.
61. Eating Nothing
62. Drinking a capuccino
63. I'm about to cry again because I tought about Charlotte...
64. Listening to Joliet again
65. Waiting for finding some courage to work...
66. Want kids? Maybe
67. Want to get married? why not, I don't know...
68. Careers in mind? difficult question, I'm going to be an orthophonist normally but it's not really what I want...
69. Lips or eyes Eyes
70. Hugs or kisses Both
71. Shorter or taller doesn't matter
72. Older or Younger idem
73. Romantic or spontaneous Both
74. Nice stomach or nice arms Both
75. Tattoos or piercings Tats but I love both and dreads!!!
76. Sensitive or loud Sensitive
77. Hook-up or relationship anything can happen...
78. Trouble maker or hesitant no if possible
79. Kissed a stranger Yes
80. Drank hard liquor Yes
81. Lost glasses/contacts No
82. Sex on first date Once, with somebody I stayed 7 years with after this night...
83. Broken someone's heart "everybody hurts"^^
84. Had your own heart broken yes, many times...
85. Been arrested? No but I'm sure I will someday
86. Turned someone down see 83
87. Cried when someone died Of course, too much...
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex? yes
89. Yourself Not enough
90. Miracles not really...
91. Love at first sight -> maybe
92. Heaven not really but I like to think I will see my best friend again when I die
93. Santa Claus Not anymore
94. Kissing on the first date? Yea
95. Angels I'd like to...
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes, my mother, I miss her a lot...
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? No
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? Yes but it's not the right period to ask me this kind of things, I'm kinda desperate these times...
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? music and love
100. hoping other people do this? -> yes, it's fun
So you know more about me now
I also wanted to tell you about a belgian band I love which is called Joliet. Here is their website where you can listen to their music and buy parts of their future album to be their producer. Believe me, they really deserve it!
You should also take a look at the sets of 2 suicide girls I found yesterday and they're really gorgeous:

and Aisline

and when they are together, it's just too hot to tell...

So, now I'm going to show you more of me, but once again please don't mind about the terrible quality of the pics, I took them with my old phone....

I found something nice on Weston's blog to intrduce myself to you:
100 Truths about me
1. Last beverage- Nespresso.... what else?
2. Last phone call to Arnaud, a really nice friend from France
3. Last text message euh? don't remember^^
4. Last song you listened to Joliet "wildwood"
5. Last time you cried 5 minutes ago when I read Weston's blog
6. Dated someone twice yeah but usually when it's over it's over...
7. Been cheated on? Never (well, yeah once but I was 13 and felt awful afterwards^^)
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No
9. Lost someone special? my best friend
10. Been depressed? Yeah I'm still depressed I think...
11. Been drunk? of course, once it ended at the hospital (don't try it at home please

12. Violet
13. Fushia
14. Black
15. Made new friends yes, I met nice people when travelling to Amsterdam and in the school I'm doing my stage now, but I also found a lot of old friends back on facebook (like Maedusa ) and it's a real pleasure!

16. Fallen out of love out of love? what does it mean? maybe I should answer yes because my boyfriend and I decided to part after 7 years together...
17. Laughed until you cried: don't think so...
18. Met someone who changed you maybe... actually I met lots of interesting people who made me think about my life and other things... but I'm still hoping for a real change!
19. Found out who your true friends were--> you never know...
20. Found out someone was talking about you I don't care
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list Nope... I haven't kissed anybody since I'm single...
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life Just Maedusa
23. How many kids do you want to have Not sure yet I want kids, my life is too messy right now
24. Do you have any pets Yes! My gorgeous Moon, an adorable american rednose pitbull, I love her soooo much!

25. Do you want to change your name I love my real name!

26. What did you do for your last birthday I went to Amsterdam with my best friend
27. What time did you wake up today -> too late!
28. What were you doing at midnight last night I was with my best friend
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for having my degree and doing something else!!!
30. Last time you saw your father One week ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life stop smoking
32. What are you listening to right now Joliet " Wandering my path"
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom Yes and he was weird!
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? my studies, my mood, myself!!!
36. Whats your real name Tamara
38. Zodiac sign: Capricorn
39. Male or female F
40. Elementary Clabecq, Belgium
41. Middle School IPES Tubize, Belgium
42. High school ULB, Belgium
43. Hair color gold

44. Long or short Growing it out
45. Height small
46. Do you have a crush on someone? yeah, but forget I'll tell you :p
47. What do you like about yourself? I'm not sure there's something to like about me...
48. Piercings yes, 3 in the right ear (one stretch, one normal and one in the catilage), one in the left ear (and soon tragus), in the belly (??) and my favourite one between my eyes, a pyramidal

49. Tattoos Cherries on my lower back and a tibetan mantra on my wrist
50. Righty or lefty Righty
51. First surgery I was in preschool, but it was only to get a potentially dangerous beauty point off
52. First piercing When I was 12, in the ear cartilage
53. First tattoo cherries on my lower back when I was 18
54. First best friend Charlotte, RIP I love you...
55. First sport you joined classical ballet
56. First pet Mirette (cat)
57. First vacation remembered we used to go to Austria with my parents when I was a child
58. First concert 3 T (yeah you may laugh

59. First crush--> Pierre, when I was 6, I offered him a pen for Valentine's day but unfortunately he loved Virginie and not me

60. First alcohol drink a awful mix between Pasoa and Pisang which got us naked in my swimmingpool in the garden at 4 am, my parents were gone for 2 days when I was 14 so I invited my best friend and her boyfriend.
61. Eating Nothing
62. Drinking a capuccino
63. I'm about to cry again because I tought about Charlotte...
64. Listening to Joliet again

65. Waiting for finding some courage to work...
66. Want kids? Maybe
67. Want to get married? why not, I don't know...
68. Careers in mind? difficult question, I'm going to be an orthophonist normally but it's not really what I want...
69. Lips or eyes Eyes
70. Hugs or kisses Both
71. Shorter or taller doesn't matter
72. Older or Younger idem
73. Romantic or spontaneous Both

74. Nice stomach or nice arms Both

75. Tattoos or piercings Tats but I love both and dreads!!!

76. Sensitive or loud Sensitive
77. Hook-up or relationship anything can happen...
78. Trouble maker or hesitant no if possible

79. Kissed a stranger Yes
80. Drank hard liquor Yes
81. Lost glasses/contacts No
82. Sex on first date Once, with somebody I stayed 7 years with after this night...
83. Broken someone's heart "everybody hurts"^^
84. Had your own heart broken yes, many times...
85. Been arrested? No but I'm sure I will someday

86. Turned someone down see 83
87. Cried when someone died Of course, too much...
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex? yes
89. Yourself Not enough
90. Miracles not really...
91. Love at first sight -> maybe
92. Heaven not really but I like to think I will see my best friend again when I die
93. Santa Claus Not anymore
94. Kissing on the first date? Yea
95. Angels I'd like to...
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes, my mother, I miss her a lot...
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? No
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? Yes but it's not the right period to ask me this kind of things, I'm kinda desperate these times...
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? music and love
100. hoping other people do this? -> yes, it's fun

So you know more about me now

I also wanted to tell you about a belgian band I love which is called Joliet. Here is their website where you can listen to their music and buy parts of their future album to be their producer. Believe me, they really deserve it!

You should also take a look at the sets of 2 suicide girls I found yesterday and they're really gorgeous:

and Aisline

and when they are together, it's just too hot to tell...

So, now I'm going to show you more of me, but once again please don't mind about the terrible quality of the pics, I took them with my old phone....

Well, I hope you like my pics though...
I whish you all a nice evening or wathevever the time it is, I whish you to be happy and send you lots of love!
EDIT: some pics don't want to be shown no problem I'll give you some other ones

gorgeous! I love the chair ones. You really need to get a good camera!

bonjour la belgique! enchantee