Saturday Jun 18, 2005 Jun 18, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email it's a good day. time spent with my guy and good friends. getting to spend time with my guy's friend from his youth. very cool. it's fun to learn new things and drink some yummy wheat beer. getting tired though... i think it's time for bed. girl303: hi!! erik larson is speaking at the museum of sci and ind sat. u should go see him! i'm outta town or i'd go with u. it's $15. glad u had a good weekend. mine went by sooo fast. too much to do and too little time. i'm visiting the family this weekend. hey, what was that beer u had me try? i forgot already! Jun 21, 2005
glad u had a good weekend. mine went by sooo fast. too much to do and too little time.
i'm visiting the family this weekend. hey, what was that beer u had me try? i forgot already!