so, i'm actually on here more than 2 minutes to look at something trocc thought i should see. it's kind of fun to be back in the game again.
the cd exchange was fun on friday. it was great to meet a ton of new people. it's such a great crowd in chicago. i'm glad i finally made it out to something again. two in a row! it's a record for me.
the nice weather in fantastic. i hope it continues... i went to a gardening class out in bfe yesterday to learn how to grow vegetables. i gardened with my mom when i was a kid and always enjoyed the little i did, but my mom didn't share with me how to do it. actually, i have the feeling she didn't really approach it as scientifically as was done with the class i went to yesterday. i want to do it all organically, so that's a little more involved then just throwing some fertilizer down. so, next weekend i may be building my raised bed garden and planting some stuff. i'm thinking tomatoes, green peppers as a start. i need to think of a few more i want to do. and, of course a couple flowers that are pretty hearty to keep the pests away. i'm excited!!
speaking of trocc - congratulations on your new job!!! all your hard work paid off!
the cd exchange was fun on friday. it was great to meet a ton of new people. it's such a great crowd in chicago. i'm glad i finally made it out to something again. two in a row! it's a record for me.

the nice weather in fantastic. i hope it continues... i went to a gardening class out in bfe yesterday to learn how to grow vegetables. i gardened with my mom when i was a kid and always enjoyed the little i did, but my mom didn't share with me how to do it. actually, i have the feeling she didn't really approach it as scientifically as was done with the class i went to yesterday. i want to do it all organically, so that's a little more involved then just throwing some fertilizer down. so, next weekend i may be building my raised bed garden and planting some stuff. i'm thinking tomatoes, green peppers as a start. i need to think of a few more i want to do. and, of course a couple flowers that are pretty hearty to keep the pests away. i'm excited!!
speaking of trocc - congratulations on your new job!!! all your hard work paid off!
growing vegetables is great - i think the fact that i can't do it now is pretty much the only downside to apartment living for me. i tried growing tomatoes in a pot but they got way too big way too quickly. it was actually kind of terrifying. so i settle for fresh herbs - basil and rosemary work really well. also, let me put in a plug for strawberries - not too hard to grow, and man are they lovely.