job changes as of tomorrow
identity theft hassles ongoing (be very careful with your wallets and driver's licenses!)
feeling happy and healthy
making my favorite breakfast on a wintery sunday morning
coffee and pancakes to be had
snuggling with my favorite guy and the kitties...
chilling on the couch with a kkitty on my lap, trying to stay warm with the crazy wind swirling around outside, baking some brownies in the oven.
can you believe it's getting cold out? it's kind of weird to me. i'm enjoying the fun fashion side of layering and new outfits to put together, being inspired by the new... Read More
37 years... 37 chocolate chip cookies... 37 bites of chocolate cake... 37 chunks of oreo cookies in oreo cookie ice cream... 37 (and more) sips (or gulps) of beer... 37 bites of the black sabbath burger at kuma's corner... favorite ways to celebrate my birthday!
graham holt... he's not the king of seattle... do you watch the 4400?...
life has lately been about what am i interested in beyond my normal day. i am enjoying figuring that out. some of it has been beer. some of it has been books, some of it has been T. some of it has been friends.. what about you?
so, i'm actually on here more than 2 minutes to look at something trocc thought i should see. it's kind of fun to be back in the game again.
the cd exchange was fun on friday. it was great to meet a ton of new people. it's such a great crowd in chicago. i'm glad i finally made it out to something again. two in... Read More
yes, it was wonderful to meet you!
growing vegetables is great - i think the fact that i can't do it now is pretty much the only downside to apartment living for me. i tried growing tomatoes in a pot but they got way too big way too quickly. it was actually kind of terrifying. so i settle for fresh herbs - basil and rosemary work really well. also, let me put in a plug for strawberries - not too hard to grow, and man are they lovely.
hey lady, it was really good to see you last night. sorry we bolted without saying goodbye, but we really wanted to spend some time alone together.. ya know?
so i wanted to ask you too, what kind of pilates are you doing? are you a member at a gym or do you work out at home? i'm curious.. mostly cuz i want to lose a little more weight and you looked so good last night, i know you're doing somethin right
I'm supposed to be getting ready for work right now, but instead I decided to actually update. Weird. It shows I'm a little burned out on work and the weather and that I've been thinking of coming here for a little visit anyway. I hope that it doesn't rain too much today. The hassle of an umbrella sounds downright annoying. I'm so glad it's March.... Read More
it's been so long since i've been here, i don't even know how to do anything anymore...
anything i say right now seems trivial compared to what my guy is going through. thank you to all of you for your support to him. you all mean a lot to him.
it's been a weird year for me, feeling so unlike myself b/c of my foot... Read More