I got the train in to work today, and there was the most unbelievably foul person on the platform. If any of you watch BB, this woman was Jayne's bigger and badder older sister. And that is an accurate description in all ways. She was sitting on the one bench on the platform having a conversation on her mobile. I say having a conversation, because frankly I don't know what she bothered with the phone, when anyone within a 5 mile radius could have heard her - she seemed to range from shouting to shrieking loudly. She was apparently annoyed that someone she knew was a 'lying cunt' who had been 'shit stirring' and refused to speak to answer her phone, etc, etc. Because basically she said the same thing over and over again for almost 10 minutes. What was most amusing, was that despite sitting on the only bench on the platform in the shade, everyone was giving her a wide a berth as possible, either staring at their feet in embarrassment or frowning at her. Not that of course the distance mattered... There was me hoping there was no one in this world like Jayne, but it looks like we must be breeding them in London.
Anyway, I had a lovely birthday this weekend! It's very unusual for me to say that, but it was really nice. Firstly I had SomeOneUK for the entire weekend, which is always good. Then we went out ofr a meal with some friends from uni on Saturday evening. It was all very civilised, but was the first time I'd seen them since finishing, and the first time any of us had met the each other's 'other halves'. Then on Sunday me and SomeOneUK went down to Portsmouth. Doesn't sound overly exciting on the surface, but we went up the Spinaker tower, which we have been wanting to do for ages

We did a bit of shopping, met Ken Hom, who was busy signing books, and bought one for my dad (who was pretty chuffed with it) and then went off to try and find a parking space somewhere near a beach. After finding one and being walked round a bird reserve in the afternoon heat by SomeOneUK (only mad dogs and Englishmen, hey?), I finally got to get my feet wet, although I did feel incredibly over dressed compared to everyone else.

So I'm now 27.

Oh, and I got my exam results. I got 2 Bs and 2 As - although I got As in teh subjects I thought I did worse on, so I'm rather confused.
It's too hot again. I have another morning rush hour travel in the heat. Here's hoping the Northern line doesn't decide to screw up again and leave me sitting in a tunnel. Last Friday the 10 minute journey took 40 minutes....
Chao for now!
Glad you--or your folks!--liked the cake. I'm starting to have to give away basil, so if you have any crazy ideas, let me know. I'll have pesto coming out of my ears.

i haven't watched BB in ages. i actually went off it when they put Jayne in the house. i watched it the night that Nikki got evicted. it was sad! haha. it's pointless without her!"