Holy moly I really haven't posted anything on here lately :C Well went out and test shot at a location! Which proved to be crawling in bugs!! So many mosquitoes!! Didn't mind the dragon flies but basically being covered in a pound of bug spray sucked >< Bought a new car!! 2000 Chevy Cavalier!!! Woot woot! It's my new baby just got to put a new CV joint on the passengers side and possibly a new electric harness to make it run better and shes good!! Got a new engine thats only got 3000 clicks in her!!! *purr purr* gonna fix it up and sell my acclaim!!! and be so happy from it!!
Also sent in some photos to Skinz magazine, kinda hoping to get in there which would be pretty neato! Plus dyeing my hair purple!!! *.* And tomorrow I get my chest piece retouched as my darling tattooist was a bit to heavy handed on my soft lady bits and so my poor tattoo bled out like a mother!!
For now please enjoy these test shots!! The real thing shall be redone and posted as soon as my Ouroboros heals!!

You most likely can't see them but basically every shot I was smacking off mosquitoes!!

And watching dragonflies hump each other!!! Bug porn!
Also sent in some photos to Skinz magazine, kinda hoping to get in there which would be pretty neato! Plus dyeing my hair purple!!! *.* And tomorrow I get my chest piece retouched as my darling tattooist was a bit to heavy handed on my soft lady bits and so my poor tattoo bled out like a mother!!
For now please enjoy these test shots!! The real thing shall be redone and posted as soon as my Ouroboros heals!!

You most likely can't see them but basically every shot I was smacking off mosquitoes!!

And watching dragonflies hump each other!!! Bug porn!
Your blog just blew out my computer monitor!
WOW! Gorgeous photos.

Oh my gosh, lady. I totally love you!