so got my last wisdom tooth yanked out on monday -.- now I'm living off of soup, soup and more soup!! O well could be worse! But at least I got to bleach the green out of my hair or at least most of it! So now my hair is the exact same shade as a yellow highlighter!! bahaha! So Tomorrow I'm going to try punky colour in a 30 volume to clean out the rest of the green than use virgin snow in manic panic to really white it out. Than next tuesday it's my newest colour!!! Pinky purple!!! ^.^ sooo excited for this one!!! It's going to be a pretty groovy one to have thats for darn sure!
Whats your favourite hair colour? I think my fav was blue! But I'm sure this pink will be just as dreamy!

Whats your favourite hair colour? I think my fav was blue! But I'm sure this pink will be just as dreamy!

I usually love the bright green one. But yea pink will be nice. Imo any unsual color is nice 

lol my green wont come out! I've bleached and toned my hair twice now and it's still there!! Evil evil green!