I played hooky from work yesterday. Feeling very bogged down. Feeling kinda air-y like i need to fly away!!! To somewhere fun and exciting. It literally just took my computer like 5 minutes to type that out. See what I mean? Life is frustrating right now...And my roomate is giving me a hard time about everything. Sorry people, I am not loving life right now!! I just got into this crazy discussion about religion at work today. Do you know that they actually play religious christmas music at my salon?? I'm sorry, but I'm from LA and you do not under any circumstances inflict your religious beliefs on your fucking customers. And, to make matters worse, I am the only person out of all the staff and customers who seems to have a problem with it. Oh and my roomate who is from new york thinks it's atrocious as well. What is with small towns thinking that if you're not christian than you are an asshole? I could go on and on with this subject...Too much for me to handle

Sorry things are sucking right now . It'll get better . I promise .