So I was "dating" (such a stupid term) this guy for about 4 months or so until recently, when he finally drove the last nail into the coffin (yesterday) so I'm not returning his calls or texts. Now he won't stop calling!!! And he's acting like it's no big deal!He doesn't acknowledge in these messages the fact that I'm ignoring him-- denial?? I don't know....Why can't my passive aggressive behavior work ever?? Oh, and every time we have these stupid 'talks' about shit, I get suckered back into it-- that's why I'm choosing to plead the 5th this time around....Xcrament? Will you be my new boyfriend??? JUST kidding, guys and girls---he's way too hot a commodity right now to be off the market so soon...Me, I'll just continue on in my little world doing whatever I want TO whomever I want...(kidding again- I'm practically celibate, well, practically)
no, seriously-I am...

or just look in my pics folder.