The tattoo is done!! It took two and a half hours but the man who did it was SO nice whitch makes a wonderful change. It was cheap too only 90 i got a discount for being a local shop owner YAY!! me likey!
let me know what you think!
I cant believe i havent been to work for over a week, i knew taking someone one would be a bad idea but it's nice having someone be my bitch! hehe.
let me know what you think!
I cant believe i havent been to work for over a week, i knew taking someone one would be a bad idea but it's nice having someone be my bitch! hehe.

Tis purrrdy. See my recent update for more details than you should care to know
yes mr. pussy and i actually talk more than we get naked... we have been dating two weeks and still haven't slept together, he sure loves to give me orgasms, but we also have two hour philosophical conversations...and he pays for things, opens doors, is very genuine and sweet.