I need your help people!!!!!!! Ok so i have one tattoo already so why am i craping my pants at getting it finished?
The sacred heart looks ok but it's just there in the middle of my arm. So iv come up with a design to go around it so i end up with a half sleave. I guess it's beacuse thats a lot of ink, what if it sucks. I have had the same design now for 6 months and i'v loved it so why now do i hate it (no hates too strong) I have doubts.
I hear you, i do, if i have doubts then dont get it done! but i have really run out of ideas. It's a trad design with stars and shit and i love the colours. what do you think people? please help
The sacred heart looks ok but it's just there in the middle of my arm. So iv come up with a design to go around it so i end up with a half sleave. I guess it's beacuse thats a lot of ink, what if it sucks. I have had the same design now for 6 months and i'v loved it so why now do i hate it (no hates too strong) I have doubts.
I hear you, i do, if i have doubts then dont get it done! but i have really run out of ideas. It's a trad design with stars and shit and i love the colours. what do you think people? please help