The end of September approaches!!!
The people of the job giving variety told be to email them at the end of Sept, so hopefully I'll be greeted with a
"You can has jobs now!"
That's the optimistic lookout. Well, realistic/optmistic.
Optimistic = "Here's the keys to the office, and a blowjob!" but that's not going to happen for at least 6 - 8 weeks.
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The people of the job giving variety told be to email them at the end of Sept, so hopefully I'll be greeted with a
"You can has jobs now!"
That's the optimistic lookout. Well, realistic/optmistic.
Optimistic = "Here's the keys to the office, and a blowjob!" but that's not going to happen for at least 6 - 8 weeks.
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Ha, yeah, I'm not sure about how the boozing will work, I am stoney right now. Marmonster nearly got tossed on the side of the N3 last night she wouldn't stop crying at me the whole way up AND I was stuck in traffic. Pooey
So yeah, good job I'm not down with the procreation thing really, I think you can get arrested for threatening to throw kids out of moving vehicles. I don't know, only thing I can come up with is I put her facing the windscreen and not me so she may have been a bit pissed about that. She then tried to eat some spicy satay sauce left over from thai food and she set her mouth on fire poor baby
Job interview tomorrow afternoon!!! Everyone send good thoughts 'n' stuff, I'll need it!!! Hopefully I'll get this and it'll be my first job related to my degree, which could send me to Italy,
or Tunisia,
or Algeria!!
Or, er Dublin.
other than that, I've no news, and leave a boring existance, spending most of my time dossing around, although I am currently (kinda) helping...
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Job interview tomorrow afternoon!!! Everyone send good thoughts 'n' stuff, I'll need it!!! Hopefully I'll get this and it'll be my first job related to my degree, which could send me to Italy,
or Tunisia,
or Algeria!!
Or, er Dublin.
other than that, I've no news, and leave a boring existance, spending most of my time dossing around, although I am currently (kinda) helping...
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Once again, I've forgotten the questions. Yeah, give me a text (you never do anymore...humph!:whatever
. I'm home sick again but I'm back up on Sunday night

Eh, no ya didn't!! I never got the text. call me its way better twood seem. yeah maybe wednesday on if your buyin? im extremely broke and may not be staying in college very long if i don't get stuff sorted...yay college dropout 

I'm Back!!!
Thank you mystery person of loveliness who got me the gift membership, unless SG just got desperate n issued it the get people back, then, thank you SG!!
Hmm, news news news, I'm a graduate! And I'm unemployed!! And more recently I just built a trampoline!!!! And i've gotta stop starting sentences with and.
Other than that I can't think of much. How's...
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Thank you mystery person of loveliness who got me the gift membership, unless SG just got desperate n issued it the get people back, then, thank you SG!!
Hmm, news news news, I'm a graduate! And I'm unemployed!! And more recently I just built a trampoline!!!! And i've gotta stop starting sentences with and.
Other than that I can't think of much. How's...
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Git! Yeah, We signed the lease and are all set to move in once Elaine gets sorted (her gran took ill and she had to turn around and go back home
) I've got SO MUCH to do...Blergh.

NERD!!! I'm sleepy after my day of animal choppin'.

Hmm, news news news.
I'm offically in 4th year! (about fucking time!!)
I've been away for a bit, the frist field trips of my next year of college started so I was in Cleggan for a week, got some horrible heat stroke, which wasn't nice, but got a bit of a tan which is cool.
I also realised how much long hair gets in my...
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I'm offically in 4th year! (about fucking time!!)
I've been away for a bit, the frist field trips of my next year of college started so I was in Cleggan for a week, got some horrible heat stroke, which wasn't nice, but got a bit of a tan which is cool.
I also realised how much long hair gets in my...
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ta fo the bday wish. man u look so way way different. but its a good look for ya.
Ni Hao.
So I've started learning Chinese in college, and it's about the only good thing about thursdays.
Thursdays suck, I quite like what I'm doing in college, but what I have to do in college on Thursdays suck.
Anyway, enough whinning, because the other six days are pretty much grand.
Fecking results are out on Monday, I'm shiting bricks.
Oh that's of the whinning...
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So I've started learning Chinese in college, and it's about the only good thing about thursdays.
Thursdays suck, I quite like what I'm doing in college, but what I have to do in college on Thursdays suck.
Anyway, enough whinning, because the other six days are pretty much grand.
Fecking results are out on Monday, I'm shiting bricks.
Oh that's of the whinning...
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I'm procrastinating
I'm procrastinating
Spent all yesterday being horribly ill, lucky had my best mate to look after me and my girlfriend on the phone.
Shower and chicken soup are the best things ever.
That and shitty tv.
Spent all yesterday being horribly ill, lucky had my best mate to look after me and my girlfriend on the phone.
Shower and chicken soup are the best things ever.
That and shitty tv.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday yesterday!!!
Happy hangover today
Happy hangover today

Hello People!
It's 25 minutes to 1, I've an exam tomorrow and a shit load of work to hand in, so I thought it'd be the obvious time to write my first blog, ya know, when I have interesting things to say!!
My wonderfully amazing girlfriend bought me a membership, so now I can stalker her on the web as well as in public, which...
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It's 25 minutes to 1, I've an exam tomorrow and a shit load of work to hand in, so I thought it'd be the obvious time to write my first blog, ya know, when I have interesting things to say!!
My wonderfully amazing girlfriend bought me a membership, so now I can stalker her on the web as well as in public, which...
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Aww adorable! Tee hee stalkerness